On Friday, February 1st, Sapienza University of Rome will host an event dedicated to discussing and debating the findings of the IPSP report. Hosted in collaboration with the Forum Disuguaglianze Diversità, CIRET, and Italy’s Rai Radio 3, the event will include several panel discussions about different aspects of the IPSP’s findings. Several IPSP authors will present their work:
- Gianluca Grimalda (Ch. 8)
- Olivier Bouin (Steering Committee)
- Massimo Livi Bacci (Ch. 1)
- Gian Paolo Rossini (IPSP Italy)
- Nadia Urbinati (Ch. 14)
- Rubén Lo Vuolo (Ch. 8)
- The event will conclude with a screening of A New Society, whose director, Sofie Wolthers, will introduce the film and answer questions.
A full program for the event and a promotional flyer can be downloaded here:

Programma provvisorio 0.00 KB

Locandina IPSP 1.74 MB

Comunicato Stampa 104.22 KB