Monday June 17th, 2024 – The IPSP participated in UNESCO MOST Forum “Management of Societal Transformations” to discuss governance issues related to inclusive development, climate change and digital transformation. The MOST Forum 2024 stands at the intersection of visionary thinking and pragmatic governance, diving into comprehensive and multidisciplinary responses fit for the new landscape of compounding risks and converging crises.

Three members of the International Advisory Board Romina Boarini, Marc Fleurbaey and Dennis J. Snower intervened during the session “CraftingNarratives for Effective Governance: Innovations and Solutions”. The key drivers mentioned during the meeting were trust, empowerment, justice, solidarity, long-term vision. Read more about the MOST FORUM program.

The MOST Forum 2024 had been the occasion to certify the collaboration between IPSP and MOST !