IPSP authors at IAMCR2016

On July 30, at the University of Leicester, UK, the 2016 congress of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION RESEARCH holds a session with IPSP authors Gerard Goggin, Ingrid Volkmer, Herman Wasserman:
- “In the midst of significant global challenges, especially associated with media transformations, how we can grasp and rethink global media policy, governance, rights, and social justice? How do the complex infrastructures of connection today both expand capitalism but also enable counter-movements? From scientific and policy perspectives, as well as the standpoints of other key actors, how can we approach media infrastructures as a specific site of social and political struggle? What opportunities and challenges are available to us, across the various domains of global media policy, struggling to deal with longstanding issues in media power, as well as new issues in Internet governance, intellectual property, social media platforms, mobile media, the data turn, and so on?
- Engaging these urgent questions, this panel introduces and explores a major international initiative the International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP; http://www.ipsp.org/) involving over 300 scholars, ‘rethinking society for the 21st century’. The IPSP includes a number of IAMCR scholars, as well as other leading figures in the field, responsible for the pivotal chapter on media (publicly available in draft form). Participants will include various authors from the IPSP media in dialogue with experts in framing and intervening on global media concerns.”