Unleashing the potential for social change
The Agenda 2030 is on a path to dramatic failure on many SDGs, but there is a growing consensus over effective policies that could stop and reverse social fragmentation.
- Inequalities (in many dimensions and scales) and poverty persist or worsen, while welfare policies are under pressure, but tax cooperation and transparency efforts gather momentum.
- Migrations reflect the range of hardship across the world, tear apart communities, and feed demagoguery in destination areas. At the same time, they have been producing many insufficiently recognized economic, social and cultural benefits.
- Declining levels of interpersonal trust and trust in institutions, observed all over the world, seriously compromise social solidarity, and the feeling of being left behind is widespread.
- Investing in human development (education, health) through universal provision and an array of social cohesion policies are well proven solutions but their successful implementation requires international cooperation to avoid a race to the bottom.
See the working groups on Unleashing the potential of social change