
An Executive Secretariat is in charge of the overall functioning of the Panel and based in Paris, France. It is responsible for the management of the research and dissemination activities, the organization of events, the development of the online platform, the communication and the social media, the fundraising, the human resources, and the financial reporting. The Executive Secretariat is hosted by a well-established and independent French scientific foundation with adequate office space and positive operational externalities.

The Executive Secretariat is directed by Olivier Bouin (international network leader, France) with collaborators to implement the activities of the Panel with regard to management, events organization, IT development, communication, outreach and fundraising. It welcomes interns to assist with the various tasks and activities performed by the Panel. In 2024, Lina Le Bourgeois, Eva Bouin, Alexis Girot and Namira Shameem participated in the launch of the second cycle of the Panel based in Paris and Dhaka. More interns will join the Panel in the coming month.