IPSP Reports
Each report will provide answers the following questions:
- What is known? Where do we stand and what are the trends?
- What is desirable? What do principles of justice suggest?
- What are the major obstacles and opportunities?
- What can be done (and by whom)?
Each report will also:
- unmask false solutions, identify consensus and disagreements among actors
- present scientific evidence, examples of inspiring initiatives and good practices
- suggest recommendations, propose actionable knowledge, roadmaps and toolkits, taking account of the fact that solutions often depend on the local contexts.
The reports will be accompagnied by a wide array of background papers, journal articles or book chapters, more specific contributions or briefs, geographic narratives, prepared by IPSP authors and external contributors. Each author team will work as an editorial board for each transversal theme as they will invite, review, produce additional contents. All these publications will build up a concrete specific picture of the systemic nature of IPSP analysis.