
The International Panel on Social Progress aims at setting up a wide network oriented toward the study and promotion of social progress.

Its organization reflects this goal as well as the specific needs of each phase of the work of the Panel.

In the preparation of the First Report, a large set of 300+ academic authors and contributors was assembled, supplemented with many referees commenting on drafts of the report. The preparation author meetings and workshops, as well as the dissemination events around the report and the Manifesto, involved the support of many colleagues, academic institutions, and foundations.

In the second phase of IPSP, the goal to produce reports, briefs and related material in collaboration with actors and change-makers requires enlarging the network considerably, especially to involve civil society actors from diverse origins and organizations. The new structure of the Panel reflects this new ambition in scope and diversity.

Find out who is involved in IPSP (2024-2027):

Find out who was involved in IPSP 1