News & Announcements
The Daily Star reports on IPSP
IPSP invite you to read Andrew Sheng's recent article published in The Daily Star in which discusses global crises and the need for inclusive social progress. Drawing on the report written by 300 social scientists for IPSP in 2018 "Rethinking Society for the 21st...
“Collective action can save us from a dystopian future” article now available on The Daily Star !
First published in Le Monde on April 19, 2024, the article "Collective Action Can Save Us from a Dystopian Future" features twelve academics, social entrepreneurs, and activists discussing the International Panel for Social Progress' (IPSP) new initiative to...
IPSP takes part in UNESCO’s MOST Forum in Paris
Monday June 17th, 2024 - The IPSP participated in UNESCO MOST Forum "Management of Societal Transformations" to discuss governance issues related to inclusive development, climate change and digital transformation. The MOST Forum 2024 stands at the intersection of...
Le Monde articles are now available in English version
The four IPSP articles published in the french newspaper Le Monde (April 19, 2024) are now available in english ! « WE CAN AVERT A DYSTOPIAN FUTURE:A RENEWED AGENDA FOR GLOBAL SOCIAL PROGRESS », by Merike Blofield, university of Hambourg, Olivier Bouin, Fondation du...
IPSP participates in La France s’engage jury
IPSP participated in the final jury selection 2024 of social innovation projects for La France s'engage. 44 pre-selected projects – out of almost 400 eligible applications for the 2024 call– have been presented by their founders or managers. They offered innovative...
IPSP in Le Monde
Four articles by IPSP in Le Monde (April 19, 2024) ! « Pour éviter un avenir dystopique, engageons les transformations systémiques nécessaires », par Merike Blofield, université de Hambourg, Olivier Bouin, Fondation du réseau français des instituts d’études...
IPSP in Nexo
On April 16, 2024, Olivier Bouin, Marc Fleurbaey, Takyiwaa Manuh, Elisa Reis and Margo Thomas published this op-ed in Nexo: Podemos evitar um futuro distópico: por uma nova agenda global
IPSP in The Ethiopian Reporter
Prof. Bahru Zewde, member of the Advisory Board, published an op-ed describing the launch of IPSP2.0, in the Ethiopian weekly Reporter. See here the English version and here the Ahmaric version.
Averting dystopian futures, promoting better societies
Social progress: a defining agenda, a broad outline, a potential coalition According to the first IPSP Report, social progress can be affirmed as a key moral compass for action, and forms a substantial actionable agenda, but important obstacles and uncertainty...
The 2024-2027 Work Program is available
Based on the first meeting of the Advisory Board (Sept. 27-29, Paris), the new Work Program of IPSP for the coming years has been finalized. While flexible and adaptable to future possibilities and opportunities, it defines a roadmap and answers the basic questions...
Saleemul Huq passed away
We are sorry to share the sad news of the loss of Prof. Saleemul Huq, who had recently joined the new Advisory Board of IPSP. The director of the International Centre for Climate Change & Development (ICCCAD), he was a renowned academic and a relentless climate...
The first meeting of the Advisory Board has launched the new IPSP
The first meeting took place at Institute for Advanced Studies in Paris on Sept. 27-29. Intense, lively and very productive discussions in the most congenial and productive atmosphere, about : purpose and value-added of IPSP2.0...
First meeting of the Advisory Board
The first meeting of the Advisory Board of the International Panel on Social Progress to be held in Paris on September 27th-29th, 2023. The Coordination Council approved yesterday the organisation of the first meeting of the Advisory Board at the Institute...
Coordination Council of IPSP 2
The composition of the Coordination Council of the new International Panel on Social Progress is now complete. Thanks to the diversity of international experience, thematic expertise and geographical origins of its 12 members, the Coordination Council will constitute...
Now preparing IPSP 2.0
The First Report (Rethinking Society for the 21st Century) was published in 2018, and the Manifesto for Social Progress has been translated and made available to a wide audience since then. After dozens of presentations and debates around the report, the Manifesto and...
IPSP Announces the Loss of Professor Stephan Klasen
We are deeply sorry to report the death on Oct. 27 of Stephan Klasen, Professor of Development Economics at the University of Göttingen, and coordinating lead author of the first IPSP report.
The Role of Religion in The Pursuit of Social Progress: A Participatory Online Exchange
Professors Grace Davie, Nancy Ammerman, and Samia Huq, all IPSP lead authors are organizing a panel discussion via Zoom on June 19, from 14h00 till 16h00, hosted by Friends of Europe.
Marie-Laure Salles-Djelic’s Interview on Xerfi Canal about “Reforming the Enterprise: The responsibility and Social Progress Perspectives” (French)
As part of a partnership with the World College of the House of Human Sciences Foundation, Xerfi Canal received Marie-Laure Salles-Djelic, Director of the School of Management and Innovation at SciencesPo, as part of the book Manifesto for Social Progress.
Professor Marie Laure Djelic presents IPSP Manifesto at the 2019 Les Entretiens de Valpré
Prof. Marie Laure Djelic (IPSP Steering Committee and Dean of the School of Management at Science Po Paris, France) presented the Manifesto For Social Progress: Ideas For A Better Society’s views on the possible reforms of corporate governance to reconcile profits and socio-environmental considerations.
IPSP Presents at Portugal’s Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Earlier this month, members of the IPSP Steering Committee presented at a half-day conference at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, in Lisbon. The conference had a twofold purpose: to mark the Portugese edition of the Manifesto for Social Progress and to launch in...
IPSP presents at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, launching in Portugal
Members of the IPSP Steering Committee presented at a half-day conference at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, in Lisbon to launch in Portugal and release the manifesto.
Alternative Policy Solution Conference Hosted by Elisa Reis
Professor Elisa Reis hosts an alternative solution policy conference on December 18. Panelists were invited to discuss issues such as inequality of opportunity, the future of work and distribution of income and wealth.
Elisa Reis’ interview with Xerfi Canal on the Manifesto for Social Progress
Adrien de Tricornot interviewed Elisa Reis about cultural change and social progress on Xerfi Channel.
IPSP event in Italy Featuring Gianluca Grimalda (November 29)
A+Network continues its programme of in-depth analysis of themes projected to have firm and disrupting impacts on our future. In 2019 initiatives will be organized in collaboration with some relevant networks, approaching the same themes from different perspectives....
Marc Fleurbaey’s Interview on Xerfi Canal about the Work of IPSP (French)
As part of a partnership with the World College of the House of Human Sciences Foundation, Xerfi Canal received Marc Fleurbaey, Professor of Economics at Princeton University, as part of the book Manifesto for Social Progress . An interview conducted by Adrien de...
“Alternative” Library in Mostar to Feature IPSP Report
We (a few of my friends and I) came to the idea after all our libraries in the town in and after the war ended up being taken by the people from nationalist parties, Croat and Bosniak respectively. Much of the literature on socialism in those libraries have been...
IPSP co-organises a panel discussion in Paris – Prof. Marie-Laure Djelic key note speaker
IPSP is co-organizing with the "Groupe Bobigny" a debate on "The enterprise as a local agent of social and environmental progress". Prof. Marie-Laure Salles-Djelic, Member of the IPSP Steering Committee and Dean of the School of Management and Innovation at...
Watch Marc Fleurbaey’s TedTalk
Marc Fleurbaey asks us the following question: Can researchers help us build a better society? His research focuses on the normative economy, distributive justice and the evaluation of public policies. He takes us with him in his reflection to go "Beyond our society"....
IPSP Manifesto has been translated!
The IPSP Manifesto has been translated into French and Dutch. You can read the French translation here and the Dutch translation here. Translations in Spanish and Greek to come soon!
Article about IPSP Published in the French Journal “Futuribles
Located in Paris, France, the Futuribles center is a leader in “foresight studies” about the long-term future of the world. In December 2018 Futuribles hosted a a round table discussion featuring Marie-Laure Djelic and Marc Fleurbaey and their work with IPSP. This...
Video Spotlight: A Manifesto for Social Progress Ideas for a Better Society
November 2018 At a time when the American society is deeply divided socially, politically, and culturally, and in a rapidly changing world facing serious environmental and developmental challenges, can we identify reasons...
Prof. Marie-Laure Djelic Delivers Keynote Address at SASE 2019
On Thursday, June 27, Prof. Marie-Laure Djelic delivered the keynote address at SASE's 30th Anniversary Conference in New York City. The conference brought together leading academics to think about the way that "the future" can be incorporated into how we think about...
IPSP Author Marc Fleurbaey to Speak at the University of Bordeaux
The University of Bordeaux, France is to host an IPSP launch event on June 18, 2019 with Marc Fleurbaey, Steering Committee member and contributing author of the IPSP Report and Manifesto. The launch will be part of the Summer Seminar of the GREThA Reasearch...
Y7 Panel on Inequalities and Upcoming Y7 Summit
This year IPSP partnered with the Youth7 Group (Y7), along with the OECD, the IDDRI, the ESCP Europe, the OFCE and other main institutions. The Y7, is the G7 youth engagement group initiated by Open Diplomacy during the French presidency of the G20 / G8 in 2011. The...
Global Warming, Society, and Responsibility
The Institut Louis Bachelier will hold a conference in Paris on June 19th.
“Debating Basic Income” at Oxford
A workshop at Nuffield College will mark the launch of the IPSP report and commemorate the work of economist Tony Atkinson.
“Well-Being and Social Justice:” IPSP in Paris, June 5
IPSP author Marc Fleurbaey led a conference of Anvie, a network of researchers and business experts, on the topic of social progress.
IPSP Keynote Speaker and Film Screening at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
IPSP is set to have a Keynote Speaker and Film Screening at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul in Campo Grande.
IPSP Film Screening at Federal University of Santa Catarina
An IPSP film screening is to take place at the Federal University of Santa Carina in Florianopolis.
IPSP Launch Event at the Pompeu Fabra University in Spain
The IPSP Report and Manifesto are to be presented at the launch event at the Pompeu Fabra University in Spain.
IPSP Report and Manifesto to be presented at the SASE conference in New York
The IPSP Report and Manifesto are to be presented at a conference hosted by the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) on June 27-29, 2019 at The New School in New York City.
LASA 2019: Nuestra América, Justice and Inclusion
IPSP authors participated in the Latin American Studies Association conference on May 24-27.
IPSP Authors to Speak at the Sustainable Development and Environmental Economics Seminar (SDDEE) in June
On June 4th, IPSP authors and steering community members Marie-Laure Djelic and Marc Fleurbaey will speak about the IPSP report and its main conclusions during a session of the Sustainable Development and Environmental Economics Seminar (SDDEE) as part of the 2019...
IPSP Author Dr. Marc Fleurbaey to Speak at “Centro de Estudos da Metrópole” in June
On June 24 IPSP author Dr. Marc Fleurbaey will travel to São Paulo, Brazil to give a lecture about the IPSP Report and the Manifesto for Social Progress to the "Centro de Estudos da Metrópole," a Brazilian research institute. The event will NOT be broadcast over the...

Event: LASA 2019 Justice and Inclusion Conference (Boston)
Between May 24 and May 29 La Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos (LASA) gathered in Boston to discuss the experience of "Latino/a-Americans" in the context of a globalized world. Topics discussed included justice systems, labor, corruption, and free-speech. For a...
IPSP Author Publishes G20 Insights Platform Policy Briefs
In July, the G20 “Insights Platform,” part of a new initiative of the “Think 20 Engagement Group," published four new policy proposals to the G20. The policy briefs produced describe both recommendations and visions in various policy areas. Three of the briefs were...
Book Release: “For Social Progress: Professors on the Barricades”
A launch event for the Dutch-translated “For Social Progress: Professors on the Barricades” on May 7, 2019, at the Univerity of KU Leuven.
“There is No Progress without Social Progress” – An Interview with Marc Fleurbaey in the MCC Magazine
Marc Fleurbaey discusses the goals of IPSP and his work to understand our society and “act to ensure a better future for all” in an interview with the MCC.
What does 2019 hold for corporate accountability?
IPSP author Lorraine Talbot (Ch. 6) participated in a panel on Corporate Responsibility.
TEDxHEC Montreal: Beyond Horizons
Marc Fleurbaey presented at an event on March 16.
Global Solutions Summit
IPSP authors will participate in a major conference in Berlin on March 18-19.
“We Can Do Better:” IPSP in Arizona
An IPSP panel discussion and film screening will be held in Tucson on March 2-3.
The Fight Against Inequality
Olivier Bouin will speak at a “consensus conference” held in Paris on Feb. 26.
Science, Business and Politics on the Podium: IPSP in Vienna
Photos and video are available from the event on January 28.
Are we at the peak of social progress, or its lowest point?
Italian media covered the IPSP event at La Sapienza, Rome, on February 1.
Erik Olin Wright, 1947–2019
We are sad to report that Erik Wright has passed away after a courageous fight against sickness. His legacy in social science is enormous. His lifelong work on real utopias was an inspiration for the creation of the IPSP and he has helped this group from the...
“How can we fashion social progress?” IPSP in Vienna, Jan. 28
IPSP authors will present the report at the University of Vienna on Monday.
Humanity, Humanism, and the Climate
IPSP author Marie-Laure Djelic is a featured speaker at a Comité 21 debate on Jan. 22.
“A New Society” in Italy
On Friday, February 1st, Sapienza University of Rome will host an event dedicated to discussing and debating the findings of the IPSP report. Hosted in collaboration with the Forum Disuguaglianze Diversità, CIRET, and Italy's Rai Radio 3, the event will include...
Ripensare la società nel XXI secolo
An IPSP debate and film screening will be held at Sapienza University, Rome on February 1.
“Progress, did you say progress?” IPSP at MCC, Jan. 17
The Mouvement Chrétien des Cadres et dirigeants will host Marc Fleurbaey for a discussion about the IPSP’s Manifesto for Social Progress.
Paris, Jan. 14: Social science in the service of social progress
A round table and film screening will be held at the Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian on Monday.
Amsterdam documentary screening
“A New Society” will screen at The Impact Hub in Amsterdam on Wednesday, Jan. 9.
IPSP in Montaut, Jan. 9
A presentation of the IPSP report and a screening of the new documentary will take place in Montaut, France.
IPSP at Les Napoleons, Jan. 9-12
IPSP author Marie-Laure Salles-Djelic is a keynote speaker at a summit in Val d’Isere, France.
Innovation and social challenges: Colloquium in Bobigny, Dec. 19
IPSP member Marc Fleurbaey will speak about how stakeholders can more effectively achieve their priorities.
IPSP at Futuribles, Paris
Three IPSP authors will participate in a round table on Dec. 18th.
“A New Society” in Princeton, Dec. 8
A screening of the new IPSP documentary will take place at the Princeton Public Library, Princeton, N.J.
Environment and social progress
An article about the IPSP appears in the latest issue of Italian magazine La Nuova Ecologia.
IPSP in Economics and Philosophy
A special issue of the journal includes a review symposium on the IPSP report.
Social Progress at Slush GIA and Oxygen 2018
IPSP author Ravi Kanbur is a keynote speaker at two entrepreneurship events in Helsinki, Finland, December 4-5.
IPSP at OECD World Forum, Nov. 27-29
IPSP authors will lead a session at the conference in Incheon, South Korea.
IPSP at the House of Lords
A debate about the IPSP report will be held at the House of Lords on Friday, Nov. 30.
Photos: SDG poster exhibition at Hanken, Finland
The IPSP co-created a week-long exhibition centered about the Sustainable Development Goals.
IPSP at Princeton, Nov. 26
A panel discussion on the new Manifesto for Social Progress will take place at the Woodrow Wilson School.
“Cities for People: Social Progress in Colombia”
Saskia Sassen, Ana Falu, and Doris Tarchópulos will present in Bogotá on November 22.
“Social Progress for What (Whom):” IPSP in Tokyo
A day-long forum with IPSP authors will take place at Hitotsubashi University on November 11.
“Inclusive Capitalism and Social Progress:” IPSP in Paris, Nov . 5
A discussion and debate about the conclusions of the IPSP report will be held at Sciences Po’s School of Management.
IPSP in India, Nov. 1
A presentation and panel discussion of the IPSP report will be held in New Delhi.
Monday, Oct. 29: “What options do we have to build a more just society?”
An IPSP seminar will be held at CIDE in Mexico City, Mexico.
Addressing the Anxieties of Our Time: IPSP in Singapore
IPSP author Ravi Kanbur gave a seminar at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy on Oct. 18.
IPSP in Jakarta, Oct. 15
Ravi Kanbur will give a seminar at the University of Indonesia.
Social Progress, Today and Tomorrow: Film screening and debate in Toulouse
A special screening of “A New Society,” the new documentary about the IPSP report, will take place at GREP-MP on Saturday, October 20th.
IPSP in Florence, Oct. 18-19
Two events will take place at the University of Florence and the European University Institute.
IPSP launch seminar and documentary premiere at IFFS, Oct. 16
The Institute for Futures Studies will hold a seminar and film screening in Stockholm, Sweden.
IPSP at World Social Science Forum
IPSP authors participated in an invited session on Sept. 26.
IPSP Report Launch at Cumberland Lodge, October 9
IPSP authors will participate in a panel discussion and reception in Windsor, U.K.
IPSP presentation at T20 summit, Buenos Aires
Several IPSP authors will discuss the work of the IPSP at the Think 20 summit on Tuesday, Sept. 18.
Chapter 13 featured in Global Media and Communication
The journal Global Media and Communication published a special issue about Chapter 13 of the IPSP report.
“I Martedì” – Dossier on Social Progress
The Italian magazine “I Martedì” devoted an issue to social progress, following the interdisciplinary approach of the IPSP report.
IPSP policy briefs for T20 Argentina
IPSP authors contributed to several policy proposals for the G20 advisory group.
IPSP comes to Sussex: Video
You can now watch the video from the IPSP and Technology’s Stories launch event in Sussex, May 15th.
Launch event in Bergen, June 20
The Bergen Summer Research School (Norway) will hold an event to present and discuss the IPSP report.
IPSP at LSE, June 8
The London School of Economics will host a workshop on the IPSP report.
IPSP French Translation
We are currently working on translations! Please redirect to the English website:
IPSP and Technology’s Stories
A special issue of Technology’s Stories by the Society for the History of Technology is dedicated to the IPSP report.
IPSP in Tunis, April 5
IPSP author Mustapha Nabli (Ch. 6) will give a presentation on social progress at the Tunisian Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Arts.
IPSP at Cumberland Lodge
IPSP author Grace Davie presented Chapter 16 at a conference on Freedom of Religion and Belief in Windsor, U.K.
Addressing the Anxieties of Our Time: IPSP in Malaysia, Jan. 22
IPSP author Ravi Kanbur (Steering Committee) will speak as part of the World Bank’s Development Research Seminar Series.
IPSP at IAP Conference, Beijing
IPSP authors Elisa Reis and Fernando Filgueira presented the IPSP at a conference of the Interacademy Partnership in Beijing, China, Dec. 9-10.
“An egalitarian way to development?” IPSP in Rome, Dec. 20
Gianluca Grimalda, Coordinating Lead Author for Chapter 8, will hold a seminar at the Sapienza University of Rome.
“Citizen’s Income: a dream or a possibility?” IPSP in Uruguay, Dec. 1
The IPSP’s partners in Uruguay are holding an event in Montevideo with the theme of basic income and social progress
“Inequality & fairness in integrated markets:” IPSP author at EU Economy & Finance
IPSP author Andreas Peichl (Ch. 3) presented at ECFIN’s Annual Research Conference, Nov. 20.
Social Sciences, Sustainability, and Institutional Change: Ravi Kanbur at USC
On Monday, October 30, IPSP author Ravi Kanbur spoke at the University of Southern California's Price School of Public Policy. He presented the findings of Chapter 22 of the IPSP report, on the contributions of the social sciences to social progress. For more...
IPSP authors at Crossroads Bonn
IPSP authors Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee) and Ottmar Edenhofer (Ch. 4) will present at the “Crossroads” conference on climate action, Nov. 4-5.
IPSP Chapter Launch at UPenn
IPSP authors presented Chapter 13 at the University of Pennsylvania’s
Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication
“Crossroads, Challenge and Change:” Marc Fleurbaey at the NGO Expo
IPSP author Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee) is a keynote speaker at the NGO Expo in New York, Sept. 22.
PEGNet 2017: National inequalities and how to address them
IPSP author Stephan Klasen presented Chapter 3 at the PEGNet conference in Zurich, Sept. 11-12.
“The Next Social Contract:” IPSP author at Q Berlin
IPSP author Pelin Tan is a featured speaker at the upcoming event “Q Berlin Questions,” October 19-20.
Education and Social Progress: IPSP Author Presents Chapter 19
IPSP author Christiane Spiel (ch. 19) gives presentations on education at three conferences.
Spotlight: IPSP Policy Brief
IPSP authors Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee), Gianluca Grimalda (ch. 8), and Ingrid Woolard (ch.3), along with Romina Boarini and Orsetta Causa of the OECD, wrote a policy brief for the G20 meeting this summer (see announcement here). You can read the following...
IPSP at the International Conference on Public Policy
IPSP author Vivian Lin (ch. 11) presents the IPSP at the ICPP conference in Singapore.
“Transforming Culture, Politics & Communication:” IPSP panel at IAMCR
IPSP authors will present Chapter 13 at the annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, July 16-20.
IPSP author appointed to G20 Eminent Persons Group on Global Financial Governance
Nora Lustig (Ch. 3) will be part of a group to review and make recommendations on the state of the international financial architecture.
IPSP authors to participate in T20 summit
Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee), Gianluca Grimalda (ch. 8), and Ottmar Edenhofer (ch. 4) will participate in a conference aimed at advising the G20 group of nations.
IPSP author at T20 Africa conference
On February 1–2, the T20 Group held a high-level conference in Johannesburg, South Africa, to discuss the G20's relationship with Africa. The T20 (or Think20) is an international network of research organizations dedicated to advising the G20 group ahead of their...
“Education as a tool for social progress:” IPSP at CIDE
On April 3–4, IPSP authors met at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), Mexico City, to discuss Chapter 19 of the IPSP report.
Spotlight on Chapter 3: Inequality and policies of redistribution
This excerpt from Chapter 3 (Inequality and Social Progress) discusses the role that government policies can play in reducing inequality and improving economic opportunities for all.
“World in Turmoil:” IPSP Author to speak at GDI
Coordinating Lead Author Ottmar Edenhofer (Ch. 4) will speak at the German Development Institute on “How to address global challenges in times of nationalism.”
Kenneth Arrow
We regretfully announce the death of Kenneth Arrow, member of our Honorary Advisory Board. His contribution to economics has been enormous and spanned all areas of the discipline, starting with a PhD on collective choice that already announced his deep interest in the...
IPSP seminars at UiO
IPSP author Nico Cloete (Ch. 19) recently presented the work of the IPSP at the University of Oslo (UiO).
@IPSProgress live in Lisbon 2017
The second meeting of IPSP Lead Authors is underway at the University Institute of Lisbon. You can follow it live at @IPSProgress! Click here for more information about the meeting.
Leading scholars comment on IPSP report
A few months ago, IPSP authors Nancy Ammerman and Grace Davie issued a wide-ranging call for comments on the first draft of the IPSP report. As the Coordinating Lead Authors of Chapter 16, entitled "Religions and Social Progress," they invited the community of...
Our Friend Tony Atkinson
We regretfully announce the death of Sir Anthony Atkinson, member of our Honorary Advisory Board. His work on inequalities, poverty and many dimensions of public policy has had considerable impact and will remain a reference. His encouragements to the work of IPSP...
IPSP presentations at European Commission, Jan. 11
IPSP authors Andreas Peichl (Ch. 3) and Werner Eichhorst (Ch. 7) will present their work at seminar with the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
IPSP author at CGET, Dec. 7
Olivier Bouin (Steering Committee) presents the IPSP at the Commissariat Général à l’Egalité des Territoires (CGET).
IPSP author to present at forum of UN diplomats
IPSP author Merike Blofield (Ch. 17) will be a Principal Speaker at the upcoming Friendship Group Retreat in Hamilton, Bermuda.
IPSP presentation at OECD, Dec. 2
IPSP author Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee) presents the IPSP at a meeting at the OECD.
T20 kickoff conference, Dec. 1-2
The T20 network of think tanks and research organizations held a conference to kick off the next phase of the G20 forum.
IPSP authors to present at Brazilian Econometric Society, Dec. 14
The upcoming meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society will feature a special presentation by four IPSP authors.
IPSP presentation at Festival de l’incertitude, Dec. 6
IPSP member Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee) presents the work of the IPSP at the Festival de l’incertitude in Paris.
IPSP joins Council for Global Problem Solving
The IPSP is joining the Council for Global Problem Solving (CGP), an international consortium of research institutions working to find sustainable solutions to major transnational problems.
IPSP presentation at UN-DPAD, Nov. 23
IPSP Steering Committee member Marc Fleurbaey presents at a Development Policy Seminar at the Development Policy and Analysis Division of the UN.
IPSP Authors to speak at LACEA, Nov. 10-12
IPSP authors will present at the upcoming conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA).
IPSP Authors to speak at Woodrow Wilson School, Nov. 14
The Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, will host a panel of IPSP authors to discuss “International Poverty, Inequality and Well-Being.”
IPSP author presents at the World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders
IPSP author Doris Tarchópulos (Ch. 5) presents on the possibility of creating a more just city.
Spotlight on Chapter 8: The “real competition” between systems
This excerpt from Chapter 8 (Social Justice, Well-Being and Economic Organization) discusses the merits and flaws of various socio-economic systems, and analyzes the "real competition" between systems. The textbook concept of ideal competition can mislead the...
IPSP workshop at World Bank, October 20
On October 20th, the World Bank will hold a discussion of the first draft of the IPSP report. Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee) will provide an overview of the panel and discuss "Narratives about social progress," based on Chapters 4 and 8 of the report; Henry...
IPSP presentation at SANEI conference, November 7
The annual conference of the the South Asia Network of Economic Research Institutes (SANEI) will take place on November 7-8 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The conference will include a "Panel Discussion on Growth and Human Development," led by IPSP author Dr. Purnamita...
“The Future of Work”: IPSP Seminar at FGV
On October 17th, the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) will host a seminar to discuss Chapter 7 of the IPSP report, entitled "The Future of Work: Good Jobs for All?" Speakers at the event include Andre Portela and Werner Eichhorst, the Coordinating Lead Authors for...
Ingrid Woolard talks at the SASPEN-FES meeting on Social Protection
On Oct. 19, 2016, Ingrid Woolard, Lead Author of Chapter 3 (Inequality and social progress), talks about IPSP and her work on cash transfers at the Johannesburg conference on Comprehensive Social Protection in the Southern African Development Community,...
The education chapter at an OECD symposium
On June 16, 2016, Marius Busemeyer presented the chapter on „How education promote social progress“ at a Symposium sponsored by the OECD entitled „From Inclusion and Equity in Education to Social and Economic Prosperity“. The Symposium brought together current and...
Spotlight on Chapter 14: Understanding the recent rise of populism
This is an abridged version of Section 2.6 (Populism: A challenge from within) of Chapter 14. Populism remains a deeply contested term, often used merely to brand and accuse actual political movements or leaders. However, recent events in Europe and the United States...
Comments, surveys, forums: Now is the time to contribute to IPSP!
This video explains what IPSP is trying to achieve and how you can contribute by sharing your ideas and commenting on the first draft of the report.
“Utopias for our Times”: IPSP Authors Speak at UC Louvain–KU Leuven Conference
On September 29-30, the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, will host a conference in honor of the 500th anniversary of Thomas More's Utopia as well as the 25th anniversary of UCL's Hoover Chair of Economic and...
Spotlight on Chapter 14: Advocating “Principled Distance” between State and Religions
This is an abridged version of section 2.2 of Chapter 14 "Inequality as a Challenge to Democracy" In a society with multiple religions, members of one religious group may treat members of other religious groups as unequals: Let this be called inter-religious...
Spotlight on Chapter 1: Social trends and new geographies
This excerpt from chapter 1 analyzes the tension between capitalism and democracy, under the light of historical trends (This is a much compressed version of section 4 of the chapter.) The paradox of the present During the final decade of the twentieth century,...
IPSP session at the 50th anniversary SPRU conference, Sept. 8, 2016
At the SPRU 50th anniversary conference organized by Johan Schot on Sept. 7-9 at the University of Sussex, a special session on IPSP will gather several IPSP authors. More details can be found here.
Plenary on IPSP at the EASST Conference in Barcelona, Aug. 31, 2016
Rethinking Society for the 21st Century: Developing a Science and Technology Studies Perspective Panelists: Johan Schot, Introduction to the IPSP and the STS contribution Saurabh Arora, Social Progress a Compass Eden Media, Supranational Organizations and Technologies...
Public debate “Does Capitalism Have A Future?” at the Collège des Bernardins, Paris, on Sept. 22, 2016
On Sept. 22 at 20:00, at Collège des Bernardins, 20 rue de Poissy, in Paris, Simon Deakin (CLA, Chapter 6) and Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee) will present IPSP work on "the future of capitalism". Discussants are Christian Chavagneux (Alternatives Economiques) and...
IPSP meets the OECD in Paris on Sept. 9, 2016
At the OECD headquarters in Paris, on Sept. 9, authors from chapters 3,4,6,7,8 present their work on the following topics: Growth and planetary welfare Inequalities Markets, finance and corporations The future of work Redistribution and well-being and get feedback...
IPSP meets international organizations at the Graduate Institute in Geneva on Sept. 7, 2016
At the Graduate Institute, on Sept. 7, 2016, Authors from Chapters 3, 7, 8, 12 and 18 meets international organizations in four round-tables on the following topics: inequalities, labor, health, global governance. Experts from the following organizations participate:...
Spotlight on Chapter 7 Good Jobs for All?
This excerpt from Chapter 7 summarizes the impacts of globalization and technology on labor markets: It is hard to see clear evidence of the ‘end of work’ in the official statistics as yet. Figure 1 plots the employment-population rate for those aged 15-74 in 2014...
Spotlight on Chapter 4 Growth, human development and planetary welfare
This excerpt from chapter 4 describes the main positive and negative narratives about capitalism and growth: Capitalism has been credited with unprecedented economic growth, while at the same time it has also been severely critiqued for many ills in human society,...
IPSP authors at IAMCR2016
On July 30, at the University of Leicester, UK, the 2016 congress of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION RESEARCH holds a session with IPSP authors Gerard Goggin, Ingrid Volkmer, Herman Wasserman: Global Media Policy, Governance, and Rights...
IPSP at the World Social Forum, Montreal, Aug. 10-12
IPSP, in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Centre de Recherches en Ethique (University of Montreal), organizes two round-tables at the World Social Forum on Aug. 12, Université McGill – Pavillon Leacook (Local 110), 855 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal. 9:00...
Spotlight on Chapter 16 Religions and social progress
This excerpt from Chapter 16 (Religions and social progress: Critical assessments and creative partnerships) summarizes the complex relation between religions and social progress: Religious communities can be spaces of valued solidarity and mutual esteem, partners in...
Marc Fleurbaey on the International Panel on Social Progress
Steering Committee member, Marc Fleurbaey, shares the motivation behind the International Panel on Social Progress: Its vision, its goals, and its methodology. What is social justice and how can we bridge academic expertise and real-world change? How will the research...
Schot (Ch. 1 & 22), Abraham (Ch. 10), Moon (Ch. 16) to discuss IPSP at SHOT
From June 22 - 26, the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) is holding its annual meeting in Singapore. The purpose of the society is to facilitate an interdisciplinary discussion on the relationship of technology to politics, economics, science, the arts, and...
Rethinking Society for the 21th Century: Developing a Science and Technology Studies Perspective
Authors: Johan Schot, Cian O’Donovan1 The role of science and technology in social progress will be drawn out as a special cross-cutting theme in the final 'Rethinking Society for the 21st century' report. Uniquely, this theme has been subject to special co-ordination...
Martin Hopenhayn on sociocultural paradoxes of modernization
Martin Hopenhayn is a Chilean philosopher and serves as a lead author for Chapter 15 - Social Progress and Cultural Change. In this interview, he discusses some sociocultural paradoxes of modernization. Examples include the rise of secularism coupled with a resurgence...
Karl Ove Moene discusses egalitarian economies and inequality in developing countries
Karl Ove Moene is a professor of economics at the University of Oslo and serves as a coordinating lead author for Chapter 8 - Social Justice, Well-Being and Economic Organization. In this interview, he discusses the state of the more egalitarian Northern European...
Stephan Klasen explains the importance of interdisciplinarity
Stephan Klasen is a professor of development economics at the University of Göttingen and serves as a lead author for Chapter 3 - Inequality and Social Progress. In this interview, he discusses the necessity of using an interdisciplinary approach to identifying the...
Prabhat Patnaik on the effect of globalization and democracy
Prabhat Patnaik is an economist and Professor Emeritus at Jawaharlal Nehru University and serves as a lead author for Chapter 20 - Belonging and Solidarity. In this interview, he warns about the potential of globalization to threaten democracy. He relates democracy to...
Samia Huq discusses links between religion and human flourishing
Samia Huq is a professor of anthropology at BRAC University in Bangladesh and serves as a lead author for Chapter 16 – Religious Communities, Ideas and Practices. In this interview, she explains how in the past, religion has been thought to impede human flourishing in...
Ronaldo Munck discusses the need for developing populations to grow sustainably
Ronaldo Munck is a sociologist at Dublin City University and serves as a lead author for Chapter 1 – Social Trends and New Geographies. In this interview, he explains why increasing populations in developing countries such as the BRICS must reconcile economic...
Ana Falú on urban gender paradoxes
Ana Falú is a professor and researcher of architecture at the National University of Cordoba and serves as a lead author for Chapter 5 – Cities. In this interview, she discusses the paradoxes of growth in cities that disallow women from achieving social equality in...
Stefano Bartolini on happiness and social growth
Stefano Bartolini is an economist at the University of Siena and serves as a lead author of Chapter 2 - Social Progress... A Compass. In this interview, he emphasizes the importance of creating intimate and social relationships in achieving happiness and describes how...
Colin Crouch on democratic inequality
Colin Crouch is a former professor of political science and sociology at the University of Warwick and serves as a lead author for Chapter 9 - The Paradoxes of Democracy and the Rule of Law. In this interview, he explains how economic inequality can strain democracy....
Mustapha Nabli on the dimensions of social change
Mustapha Nabli is a development economist at the Economic Research Forum in Tunisia and serves on the Honorary Advisory Committee and as a lead author of Chapter 6 - Markets, Finance and Corporations: Does Capitalism Have a Future? In this interview, he describes...
David de la Croix on growth and demographics
David de la Croix is an economist at Université Catholique de Louvain and serves as a lead author for Chapter 4 - Economic Growth, Human Development and Planetary Welfare. In this interview, he describes the relationships between economic growth and demographic...
Gili Drori on governance of education
Gili Drori is a sociologist at Hebrew University and serves as a lead author of Chapter 19 - How Can Education Promote Social Progress? In this interview, she explains how governance of education is no longer solely in the hands of governments, and describes the...
Ottmar Edenhofer urges for climate negotiations
Ottmar Edenhofer is an economist of climate change at PIK and MCC in Berlin and serves as a coordinating lead author for Chapter 4 - Economic Growth, Human Development and Planetary Welfare. In this interview, he discusses the need for strict climate negotiations that...
Fernando Filgueira on welfare reform
Fernando Filgueira is a sociologist at El Centro de Informaciones y Estudios del Uruguay and serves as a lead author of Chapter 8 - Social Justice, Well-Being and Economic Organization. In this interview, he describes flaws in welfare systems and discusses how they...
César Rodríguez-Garavito on marginalized populations and decision-making
César Rodríguez-Garavito is a professor of law at Universidad de los Andes and serves as a lead author of Chapter 11 – Supranational Organizations and Technologies of Governance. In this interview, he explains the necessity of including marginalized populations in...
Gianluca Grimalda discusses globalization, cooperation, and more
Gianluca Grimalda is a behavioral economist at IFW Dresden and serves as a lead author of Chapter 8 – Social Justice, Well-Being and Economic Organization. In this interview, he discusses the positive correlation between globalization and social cooperation on local...
Karin Aggestam on bottom-up peace policies
Karin Aggestam is a professor of political science at Lund University and serves as a lead author of Chapter 10 – Violence, Wars, Peace, Security. In this interview, she advocates for the necessity of grassroots peace movements in contrast to counterproductive...
Johannes Siegrist on the quality of work and life
Johannes Siegrest is a professor of medical sociology at the University of Düsseldorf and serves as a lead author of Chapter 7: The Future of Work: Good Jobs for All? In this interview, he discusses the disparities of quality of work conditions across geographies, and...
Edenhofer (Chapter 4) presents work at CD Links
On May 17 and 18, CD Links - a collaborative research project linking climate and development policies - held an expert workshop on multi-disciplinary dialogue on poverty and inequality in climate modeling. Coordinating Lead Author of Chapter 4, Ottmar Edenhofer,...
Lorenz Lassnigg (Chapter 11) visits EDU, gives Lecture
From April to May, Lorenz Lassnigg visited the University of Tampere's School of Education (EDU) in Finland. A member of EDU's academic group on equality and justice in education, he spent his time conducting research, engaging in conversations, and also giving an...
Law and Society Annual Meeting featuring Roundtable Session on IPSP
From June 2 - 5, the Law and Society Association will convene in New Orleans for its annual meeting. Under this year's theme of "At the Delta: Belonging, Place and Visions of Law and Social Change", the meeting will also feature a roundtable session on the...
Stockholm, May 17-18: Chapter 9 and 14 Workshops
Chapter 9, on democracy and the rule of law, and Chapter 14, on democracy and equality, will hold their chapter workshops at the Institute for Future Studies in Stockholm, Sweden. The workshops will take place on May 17 and 18 and will be an opportunity for the...
Chapter 12 to meet in Geneva, Switzerland May 13-14
Chapter 12, under coordination from Gopalan Balachandran (Graduate Institute of Geneva, Switzerland) and Grégoire Mallard (Graduate Institute of Geneva, Switzerland), will be meeting at the Graduate Institute Geneva in Switzerland later this week. The chapter is...
Chapter 5 met in Paris on May 6-7
Chapter 5, focused on cities, met at FMSH in Paris, France this past weekend. The chapter is led by CLA Edgar Pieterse (University of Cape Town, South Africa) and CLA Saskia Sassen (Columbia University, USA) as well as eight other lead authors. We thank FMSH for their...
Chapter 15 and 20 meet in Stockholm, April 28-29
Chapter 15 on Social Progress and Cultural Change and Chapter 20 on Belonging and Solidarity will both hold their chapter workshops this month. The authors will convene at the Institute for Future Studies in Stockholm, Sweden on April 28 and 29. The chapter workshop...
Chapter 1 will meet in Dublin April 28-29
Chapter 1 on Social Trends and New Geographies is scheduled to meet at Dublin City University for their chapter workshop at the end of this month. From April 28 to 29, the two coordinating lead authors and twelve lead authors will meet to discuss their work and make...
Stockholm, April 25-26, Chapter 8 meets for Chapter Workshop
On April 25 and 26, Chapter 8 on Social Justice, Well-Being and Economic Organization will meet in Stockholm, Sweden. The chapter consists of two coordinating lead authors, Karl Ove Moene (University of Oslo, Norway) and David Schkade (University of California – San...
Chapter 10 Workshop, Paris, April 22-23
Chapter 10 on Violence, Wars, Peace, Security will be meeting in Paris, France later this month. The chapter workshop, held at FMSH on April 22 and April 23, will allow the two coordinating lead authors, Peter Wallensteen (University of Uppsala) and Michel Wieviorka...
Chapter 3 to meet in Germany April 8-9
Chapter 3 on Inequality and Social Progress, under the leadership of Rebeca Grynspan and Stephen Klasen, will be meeting this weekend April 8th and 9th. The chapter workshop allows the coordinating lead and lead authors to come together face-to-face and make progress...
Cécile Laborde will present IPSP at the Skoll World Forum
Cécile Laborde will present the work of the International Panel on Social Progress at the Skoll World Forum in Oxford April 13-16. This will be a great opportunity to make the world of global social entrepreneurship aware of the work of the IPSP and build synergies as...
“Mohammed, Tarik, Esra” by Pelin Tan
Op-Ed by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pelin Tan, Sociologist Lead-Author of "Towards the Urban Society" – International Panel on Social Progress – Turkey A 17 year old Syrian refugee named Mohammed follows me to my department...
Chapter 13 to meet in Australia April 13-15
Chapter 13 on Media and Communication, led by Nick Couldry and Koichi Iwabuchi, will meet at the University of Melbourne for a three-day chapter workshop. The workshop will take place from April 13 to April 15. A public lecture and panel will open the workshop: In...
Chapter 7 on Employment to Meet in Paris April 11-12
Chapter 7 (The Future of Work: Good Jobs for All?) will meet in Paris, France on April 11th and 12th. Our gratitude extends to Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the University of Manchester for their generous support of this workshop. We would also like to thank Didier...
Global governance under scrutiny: Chapter 11 meets in Princeton
Chapter 11, "Supranational Organizations and Technologies of Governance", meets on March 14-15 at the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies. Program for March 14 (open to the public): Organizer: Marc Fleurbaey, Robert E. Kuenne Professor in...
Chapter 6 meets at ESSEC in Paris on March 5-6
On March 5 and 6, Chapter 6 ("Markets, Finance and Corporations: Does Capitalism Have a Future?") will meet for their chapter workshop at ESSEC in Paris. The workshop is hosted by Marie-Laure Djelic and supported by ESSEC as well as the Swedish Research Council....
Chapter meeting for “Religions, Communities, Ideas, and Practices”
The meeting for "Religions, Communities, Ideas, and Practices" (working title for Chapter 16) will take place at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, in Uppsala, from 17-20 March, 2016. We are grateful to SCAS for supporting this venture.
Chapter 2 meets on Feb. 19-20 in Princeton
The Lead Authors of Chapter 2 ("Social Progress, A Compass") hold their workshop on Feb. 19-20, hosted by the University Center for Human Values.
Paula Casal on poverty and environmental justice
Paula Casal is an ICREA Professor at the Law Department of Universitat Pompeu Fabra and serves as a Lead Author for Chapter 2: Social Progress... A Compass. In this video, she discusses several topics including the connection between poverty and environmental...
Sanjay Reddy on growth trends and globalization
Sanjay Reddy is an Associate Professor of Economics at The New School for Social Research and serves as a Lead Author for Chapter 3: Inequality and Social Progress. In this video, he discusses several topics including growth trends in various countries, globalization,...
Will Kymlicka discusses liberal multiculturalism and democracy
Will Kymlicka is the Canada Research Chair in Political Philosophy at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada and serves as a Coordinating Lead Author for Chapter 15: Social Progress and Cultural Change. In this video, he describes how liberal multiculturalism can...
Rob Reich on general education
Rob Reich is a Professor of Political Science and Philosophy at Stanford University and serves as a Coordinating Lead Author for Chapter 19: How Can Education Promote Social Progress? In this video, he explains the importance of establishing widely available education...
Ilona Kickbusch discusses a sociopolitical approach to global health
Ilona Kickbusch is the Director of the Global Health Programme at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva and serves as a Lead Author for Chapter 18: Global Health and The Changing Contours of Human Life. In this video, she discusses...
Hilary Charlesworth on international organizations
Hilary Charlesworth is a Professor and Director of the Centre for International Governance and Justice in the Regulatory Institutions Network at the Australian National University, and serves as a Coordinating Lead Author for Chapter 11: Supranational Organisations...
Naila Kabeer discusses gender inequality in the home and workplace
Naila Kabeer is a Professor of Gender and Development at the Gender Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science, and serves as a Lead Author for Chapter 1: Social Trends and New Geographies. In this video, she discusses gender roles in the home and...
Elisa Reis on cultural perceptions of society
Elisa Reis is a Professor of Political Sociology at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and serves on the Steering Committee, the Scientific Council, and as a Coordinating Lead Author for Chapter 1: Social Trends and New Geographies. In this video, she...
Dan Hausman on the allocation of resources
Dan Hausman is a professor of philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and serves as a Lead Author for Chapter 18: Global Health and The Changing Contours of Life. In this video, he describes how one of the fundamental causes of social injustice is a shortage...
Dan Wikler on the implications of population trends
Dan Wikler is a faculty member in the Harvard Program in Ethics and Health at the School of Public Health and serves as a Coordinating Lead Author of Chapter 18: Global Health and The Changing Contours of Life. In this video, he discusses some social injustices...
Frances McGinnity on the work-life balance
Frances McGinnity is joint co-coordinator of Equality and Integration Research at the Economic and Social Research Institute and serves as a Lead Author for Chapter 7: The Future of Work - Good Jobs for All? In this video, she speaks about how managing the balance...
Arne Kalleberg on precarious professions
Arne Kalleberg is a Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and serves as a Lead Author for Chapter 7: The Future of Work - Good Jobs for All? In this video, he discusses how job security and economic stability for the...
Eden Medina discusses data privacy
Eden Medina is a professor of informatics and computing, law, and history at Indiana University, Bloomington. She is also a Lead Author of Chapter 11: Supranational Organisations and Technologies of Governance. In this video, she discusses how data privacy policy...
Avner de-Shalit on welfare and solidarity in cities and states
Avner de-Shalit is a political philosopher and Max Kampelman Chair of democracy and human rights at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and serves as a Lead Author for Chapter 8: Social Justice, Well-Being and Economic Organization. In this video, he talks about the...
Stephen Castles discusses migration as an effect of globalization
Stephen Castles is a sociologist and political economist at the University of Sydney and serves as a Lead Author for Chapter 1: Social Trends and new geographies. In this video, he describes how migration has become a significant effect of globalization and...
Rajeev Bhargava discusses the relationship between secularism and the state
Rajeev Bhargava is a Professor at the Centre for Political studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi and serves as a Lead Author for Chapter 14: Perspectives for Democracy and Equality. In this video, he discusses how the definition of political secularism...
David Schkade on well-being experiements
David Schkade is a Professor of Management and Strategy at UC San Diego, and serves a member of the Scientific Council of the IPSP as well as a Coordinating Lead Author for Chapter 8: Social Justice, Well-Being, and Economic Organization. In this video, he talks about...
Huiyan Fu discusses labor inequality in the face of capitalism
Huiyan Fu is a social and organizational anthropologist at the Regent's University of London, and serves as a Lead Author of Chapter 7 - The Future of Work: Good Jobs for All? In this video she describes global issues with labor inequality. She also discusses how the...
Workshop on Education and Social Progress, Feb. 11-13, 2016
The authors of the Chapter "How Can Education Promote Social Progress?" meet at the University of Vienna on Feb. 10-13 for a workshop hosted by Christiane Spiel.
Meeting on Global Health and the Changing Contours of Human Life – Feb 5-6, 2016
The IPSP Chapter on Global Health and the Changing Contours of Human Life meets on February 5-6, 2016, at the Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm, hosted by Gustaf Arrhenius, Director of the Institute.
Workshop on The Pluralization of Families – Jan. 29-30, 2016
The IPSP Chapter on Families gathers for a workshop on Jan. 29-30, 2016, at the University of Miami, hosted by Merike Blofield, Director of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program.
Science, technology and society workshop
The STS cross-chapter group meets in Hannover, on Jan. 13-15, 2016, to brainstorm about the role STS can play in Rethinking Society, and the notion of Social Progress. The participants of the workshop are authors spread over all the chapters of the IPSP report to...
Hiroshi Ono discusses social justice and well-being
Hiroshi Ono is an expert on happiness research and discusses the link between social justice and well-being, and the need for broader measures of social progress. He explains why happiness varies across countries with different social institutions....
Islam and the West, by Akeel Bilgrami
This text is drawn from a longer speech given at the World Public Forum on ‘the dialogue between civilisations and the idea of a world order’. We speak much today of Islam, indeed do so obsessively, and we speak of its relations to the West, and when we do, we do so...
On terrorism: “We are not at war,” by Michel Wieviorka
A recent book by Sudhir Hazareesingh is entitled "A country that loves ideas: History of a French passion" (Flammarion ed.). But this passion only applies unevenly. And in times of crisis more than ever, it is prompt to rely on categories that deserve more caution...
Greg Shaffer discusses the accountability of governing bodies
Greg Shaffer is a professor of law at UC Irvine who is serving as a lead author for Chapter 11: Supranational Organizations and Technologies of Governance. In this interview, he discusses different ways that governing bodies can legitimately express accountability for...
Saskia Sassen on the global city
Saskia Sassen is a professor of sociology at Columbia University and serves as a coordinating lead author of Chapter 5: Cities. In this interview, she explains the role of global cities as networks rather than competitors, and discusses how language should change to...
Nancy Ammerman on the coexistence of religion and progress
Nancy Ammerman is a professor of sociology of religion at BU, and is serving as a coordinating lead author for Chapter 16: Religions, Communities, Ideas, and Practices. In this interview, she explains the importance of understanding why social progress does not...
Michèle Lamont discusses relationships between stigmatization and policymaking
Michèle Lamont is a sociologist and professor at Harvard who is serving as a lead author for Chapter 20: Belonging and Solidarity. Her recent work specializes in how culture contributes to inequality and has focused on how stigmatized groups understand and respond to...
John Roemer on cooperation as a vehicle for social equality
John Roemer is an economist and professor of political science at Yale who is serving as a lead author for Chapter 8: Social Justice, Well-Being and Economic Organization. In this interview, he explains how cooperation and social ethos can help frame a market system...
Andreas Peichl discusses the relationship between taxes and the redistribution of income and opportunities
Andreas Peichl is Professor of Quantitative Public Economics at the University of Mannheim and serves as a lead author for Chapter 3: Inequality and Social Progress. In this interview, he discusses the potential for tax and wealth redistribution policies to afford...
Martin O’Neill on the exclusivity of capitalism
Martin O'Neill is a political philosopher who teaches in the Politics department at the University of York and is serving as a lead author for Chapter 6: Markets, Finance and Corporations -- Does Capitalism Have a Future? In this interview, he discusses current issues...
Julie Cohen discusses the implications of surveillance on human rights
Julie Cohen Mark is the Claster Mamolen Professor of Law and Technology at Georgetown Law and is serving as a lead author of Chapter 13: Media, Communication and Languages. In this interview, she introduces the goals of Chapter 13 in IPSP and...
Amartya Sen’s Opening Remarks for the IPSP’s First Author Meeting in Istanbul this past August
Amartya Sen is is Thomas W. Lamont University Professor, and Professor of Economics and Philosophy, at Harvard University. His research includes economic theory, social choice theory, ethics and political philosophy, theory of measurement, decision theory, development...
Akeel Bilgrami explains the unalienated life
Akeel Bilgrami works as a philosopher on the link between politics and culture. He discusses the difficulty for liberalism to deal with identity politics, invokes Gandhi's critique of modernity, the tension between liberty and equality, and introduces us to the idea...
Sheila Jasanoff introduces science and technology studies
Sheila Jasanoff explains the relevance of the field of science and technology studies to the question of progress, including social progress, and introduces to her own work at the boundary of law on change, on technology controversies, and on how science is being made...
Elke Weber on decision making and social progress
Elke Weber explains the importance of how we make decisions in order to understand the processes by which policies are shaped and institutions are formed and transformed.
Ingrid Robeyns: Impressions From the First IPSP Authors Meeting
Over the last three days, the first meeting of authors of the International Panel of Social Progress (IPSP) was held in Istanbul. The IPSP is to some extent modeled after the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), but one important difference is that it is not...
What the IPSP is all about…
Saskia Sassen, John Roemer, Nancy Ammerman, Sheila Jasanoff, Elke Weber and Akeel Bilgrami have taken the time to tell you about the IPSP. In the video below, they describe the goals of the panel and the impact that they hope the report will have on our world. ...
IPSP Report to be Co-Authored by 220+ Academics
The International Panel on Social Progress will be publishing its first report in 2017. Composed of 22 chapters and three key sections - Socio-Economic Transformations (I), Political Regulation, Governance and Societal Transformations (II), and...
IPSP now available in Chinese
Today we are introducing the IPSP website in Chinese - the sixth translation following the English, Spanish, German, French, and Russian version. There are about 1.2 billion people who are native speakers of Chinese and we are looking forward to welcoming...
Princeton University Center for Human Values now supports IPSP
The Princeton University Center for Human Values, dedicated to fostering ongoing inquiry into important ethical issues in private and public life, now supports the IPSP. Contact Us International Panel on Social Progress Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme 190,...
IPSP Steering Committee adds five members
Ernest Aryeetey, Katsuhito Iwai, Elisa Reis, Leela Visaria, and Xiaobo Zhang have joined the Steering Committee: Ernest Aryeetey, Professor of Economics and Vice-Chancellor, University of Ghana Katsuhito Iwai, Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo Elisa...
IPSP now available in Russian
Today we are introducing the IPSP website in Russian - the fifth translation following the English, Spanish, German, and French version. There are more than 250 million people who are native speakers of Russian and we are looking forward to welcoming many...
Social Media Presence Launched
A few days ago, the IPSP officially launched its Facebook and Twitter channel, increasing its public outreach and allowing people to stay up to date on the panel's progress. You can like/follow us here: IPSP on Facebook IPSP on Twitter Contact Us...
New Partner: Institute for Futures Studies
The Institute for Futures Studies - an independent research organization focused on the development of society - has become the newest partner of the IPSP. Take a look at their work here: Contact Us International Panel on Social...
Margot Wallström appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs
Margot Wallström, member of the Advisory Committee, was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Swedish government on Oct. 3, 2014 Contact Us International Panel on Social Progress Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme 190, avenue de France, 75013...