Neuigkeiten & Blog
Islam and the West, by Akeel Bilgrami
This text is drawn from a longer speech given at the World Public Forum on ‘the dialogue between civilisations and the idea of a world order’. We speak much today of Islam, indeed do so obsessively, and we speak of its relations to the West, and when we do, we do so...
On terrorism: “We are not at war,” by Michel Wieviorka
A recent book by Sudhir Hazareesingh is entitled "A country that loves ideas: History of a French passion" (Flammarion ed.). But this passion only applies unevenly. And in times of crisis more than ever, it is prompt to rely on categories that deserve more caution...
Greg Shaffer discusses the accountability of governing bodies
Greg Shaffer is a professor of law at UC Irvine who is serving as a lead author for Chapter 11: Supranational Organizations and Technologies of Governance. In this interview, he discusses different ways that governing bodies can legitimately express accountability for...
Saskia Sassen on the global city
Saskia Sassen is a professor of sociology at Columbia University and serves as a coordinating lead author of Chapter 5: Cities. In this interview, she explains the role of global cities as networks rather than competitors, and discusses how language should change to...
Nancy Ammerman on the coexistence of religion and progress
Nancy Ammerman is a professor of sociology of religion at BU, and is serving as a coordinating lead author for Chapter 16: Religions, Communities, Ideas, and Practices. In this interview, she explains the importance of understanding why social progress does not...