Neuigkeiten & Blog

“Mohammed, Tarik, Esra” by Pelin Tan

Op-Ed by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pelin Tan, Sociologist                                                         Lead-Author of "Towards the Urban Society" – International Panel on Social Progress – Turkey A 17 year old Syrian refugee named Mohammed follows me to my department...

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Chapter 13 to meet in Australia April 13-15

Chapter 13 on Media and Communication, led by Nick Couldry and Koichi Iwabuchi, will meet at the University of Melbourne for a three-day chapter workshop. The workshop will take place from April 13 to April 15. A public lecture and panel will open the workshop: In...

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Chapter 6 meets at ESSEC in Paris on March 5-6

On March 5 and 6, Chapter 6 ("Markets, Finance and Corporations: Does Capitalism Have a Future?") will meet for their chapter workshop at ESSEC in Paris. The workshop is hosted by Marie-Laure Djelic and supported by ESSEC as well as the Swedish Research Council....

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