Neuigkeiten & Blog
Chapter 1 will meet in Dublin April 28-29
Chapter 1 on Social Trends and New Geographies is scheduled to meet at Dublin City University for their chapter workshop at the end of this month. From April 28 to 29, the two coordinating lead authors and twelve lead authors will meet to discuss their work and make...
Stockholm, April 25-26, Chapter 8 meets for Chapter Workshop
On April 25 and 26, Chapter 8 on Social Justice, Well-Being and Economic Organization will meet in Stockholm, Sweden. The chapter consists of two coordinating lead authors, Karl Ove Moene (University of Oslo, Norway) and David Schkade (University of California – San...
Chapter 10 Workshop, Paris, April 22-23
Chapter 10 on Violence, Wars, Peace, Security will be meeting in Paris, France later this month. The chapter workshop, held at FMSH on April 22 and April 23, will allow the two coordinating lead authors, Peter Wallensteen (University of Uppsala) and Michel Wieviorka...
Chapter 3 to meet in Germany April 8-9
Chapter 3 on Inequality and Social Progress, under the leadership of Rebeca Grynspan and Stephen Klasen, will be meeting this weekend April 8th and 9th. The chapter workshop allows the coordinating lead and lead authors to come together face-to-face and make progress...
Cécile Laborde will present IPSP at the Skoll World Forum
Cécile Laborde will present the work of the International Panel on Social Progress at the Skoll World Forum in Oxford April 13-16. This will be a great opportunity to make the world of global social entrepreneurship aware of the work of the IPSP and build synergies as...