Neuigkeiten & Blog
Gianluca Grimalda discusses globalization, cooperation, and more
Gianluca Grimalda is a behavioral economist at IFW Dresden and serves as a lead author of Chapter 8 – Social Justice, Well-Being and Economic Organization. In this interview, he discusses the positive correlation between globalization and social cooperation on local...
Karin Aggestam on bottom-up peace policies
Karin Aggestam is a professor of political science at Lund University and serves as a lead author of Chapter 10 – Violence, Wars, Peace, Security. In this interview, she advocates for the necessity of grassroots peace movements in contrast to counterproductive...
Johannes Siegrist on the quality of work and life
Johannes Siegrest is a professor of medical sociology at the University of Düsseldorf and serves as a lead author of Chapter 7: The Future of Work: Good Jobs for All? In this interview, he discusses the disparities of quality of work conditions across geographies, and...
Edenhofer (Chapter 4) presents work at CD Links
On May 17 and 18, CD Links - a collaborative research project linking climate and development policies - held an expert workshop on multi-disciplinary dialogue on poverty and inequality in climate modeling. Coordinating Lead Author of Chapter 4, Ottmar Edenhofer,...
Lorenz Lassnigg (Chapter 11) visits EDU, gives Lecture
From April to May, Lorenz Lassnigg visited the University of Tampere's School of Education (EDU) in Finland. A member of EDU's academic group on equality and justice in education, he spent his time conducting research, engaging in conversations, and also giving an...