Neuigkeiten & Blog
Spotlight on Chapter 14: Advocating “Principled Distance” between State and Religions
This is an abridged version of section 2.2 of Chapter 14 "Inequality as a Challenge to Democracy" In a society with multiple religions, members of one religious group may treat members of other religious groups as unequals: Let this be called inter-religious...
Spotlight on Chapter 1: Social trends and new geographies
This excerpt from chapter 1 analyzes the tension between capitalism and democracy, under the light of historical trends (This is a much compressed version of section 4 of the chapter.) The paradox of the present During the final decade of the twentieth century,...
IPSP session at the 50th anniversary SPRU conference, Sept. 8, 2016
At the SPRU 50th anniversary conference organized by Johan Schot on Sept. 7-9 at the University of Sussex, a special session on IPSP will gather several IPSP authors. More details can be found here.
Plenary on IPSP at the EASST Conference in Barcelona, Aug. 31, 2016
Rethinking Society for the 21st Century: Developing a Science and Technology Studies Perspective Panelists: Johan Schot, Introduction to the IPSP and the STS contribution Saurabh Arora, Social Progress a Compass Eden Media, Supranational Organizations and Technologies...
Public debate “Does Capitalism Have A Future?” at the Collège des Bernardins, Paris, on Sept. 22, 2016
On Sept. 22 at 20:00, at Collège des Bernardins, 20 rue de Poissy, in Paris, Simon Deakin (CLA, Chapter 6) and Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee) will present IPSP work on "the future of capitalism". Discussants are Christian Chavagneux (Alternatives Economiques) and...