Neuigkeiten & Blog
Ingrid Woolard talks at the SASPEN-FES meeting on Social Protection
On Oct. 19, 2016, Ingrid Woolard, Lead Author of Chapter 3 (Inequality and social progress), talks about IPSP and her work on cash transfers at the Johannesburg conference on Comprehensive Social Protection in the Southern African Development Community,...
The education chapter at an OECD symposium
On June 16, 2016, Marius Busemeyer presented the chapter on „How education promote social progress“ at a Symposium sponsored by the OECD entitled „From Inclusion and Equity in Education to Social and Economic Prosperity“. The Symposium brought together current and...
Spotlight on Chapter 14: Understanding the recent rise of populism
This is an abridged version of Section 2.6 (Populism: A challenge from within) of Chapter 14. Populism remains a deeply contested term, often used merely to brand and accuse actual political movements or leaders. However, recent events in Europe and the United States...
Comments, surveys, forums: Now is the time to contribute to IPSP!
This video explains what IPSP is trying to achieve and how you can contribute by sharing your ideas and commenting on the first draft of the report.
“Utopias for our Times”: IPSP Authors Speak at UC Louvain–KU Leuven Conference
On September 29-30, the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, will host a conference in honor of the 500th anniversary of Thomas More's Utopia as well as the 25th anniversary of UCL's Hoover Chair of Economic and...