Neuigkeiten & Blog
IPSP presentation at Festival de l’incertitude, Dec. 6
IPSP member Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee) presents the work of the IPSP at the Festival de l’incertitude in Paris.
IPSP joins Council for Global Problem Solving
The IPSP is joining the Council for Global Problem Solving (CGP), an international consortium of research institutions working to find sustainable solutions to major transnational problems.
IPSP presentation at UN-DPAD, Nov. 23
IPSP Steering Committee member Marc Fleurbaey presents at a Development Policy Seminar at the Development Policy and Analysis Division of the UN.
IPSP Authors to speak at LACEA, Nov. 10-12
IPSP authors will present at the upcoming conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA).
IPSP Authors to speak at Woodrow Wilson School, Nov. 14
The Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, will host a panel of IPSP authors to discuss “International Poverty, Inequality and Well-Being.”