Neuigkeiten & Blog
Spotlight: IPSP Policy Brief
IPSP authors Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee), Gianluca Grimalda (ch. 8), and Ingrid Woolard (ch.3), along with Romina Boarini and Orsetta Causa of the OECD, wrote a policy brief for the G20 meeting this summer (see announcement here). You can read the following...
IPSP at the International Conference on Public Policy
IPSP author Vivian Lin (ch. 11) presents the IPSP at the ICPP conference in Singapore.
“Transforming Culture, Politics & Communication:” IPSP panel at IAMCR
IPSP authors will present Chapter 13 at the annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, July 16-20.
IPSP author appointed to G20 Eminent Persons Group on Global Financial Governance
Nora Lustig (Ch. 3) will be part of a group to review and make recommendations on the state of the international financial architecture.
IPSP authors to participate in T20 summit
Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee), Gianluca Grimalda (ch. 8), and Ottmar Edenhofer (ch. 4) will participate in a conference aimed at advising the G20 group of nations.