Neuigkeiten & Blog
IPSP Chapter Launch at UPenn
IPSP authors presented Chapter 13 at the University of Pennsylvania’s
Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication
“Crossroads, Challenge and Change:” Marc Fleurbaey at the NGO Expo
IPSP author Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee) is a keynote speaker at the NGO Expo in New York, Sept. 22.
PEGNet 2017: National inequalities and how to address them
IPSP author Stephan Klasen presented Chapter 3 at the PEGNet conference in Zurich, Sept. 11-12.
“The Next Social Contract:” IPSP author at Q Berlin
IPSP author Pelin Tan is a featured speaker at the upcoming event “Q Berlin Questions,” October 19-20.
Education and Social Progress: IPSP Author Presents Chapter 19
IPSP author Christiane Spiel (ch. 19) gives presentations on education at three conferences.