Neuigkeiten & Blog
“An egalitarian way to development?” IPSP in Rome, Dec. 20
Gianluca Grimalda, Coordinating Lead Author for Chapter 8, will hold a seminar at the Sapienza University of Rome.
“Citizen’s Income: a dream or a possibility?” IPSP in Uruguay, Dec. 1
The IPSP’s partners in Uruguay are holding an event in Montevideo with the theme of basic income and social progress
“Inequality & fairness in integrated markets:” IPSP author at EU Economy & Finance
IPSP author Andreas Peichl (Ch. 3) presented at ECFIN’s Annual Research Conference, Nov. 20.
Social Sciences, Sustainability, and Institutional Change: Ravi Kanbur at USC
On Monday, October 30, IPSP author Ravi Kanbur spoke at the University of Southern California's Price School of Public Policy. He presented the findings of Chapter 22 of the IPSP report, on the contributions of the social sciences to social progress. For more...
IPSP authors at Crossroads Bonn
IPSP authors Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee) and Ottmar Edenhofer (Ch. 4) will present at the “Crossroads” conference on climate action, Nov. 4-5.