Neuigkeiten & Blog
IPSP and Technology’s Stories
A special issue of Technology’s Stories by the Society for the History of Technology is dedicated to the IPSP report.
IPSP in Tunis, April 5
IPSP author Mustapha Nabli (Ch. 6) will give a presentation on social progress at the Tunisian Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Arts.
IPSP at Cumberland Lodge
IPSP author Grace Davie presented Chapter 16 at a conference on Freedom of Religion and Belief in Windsor, U.K.
Addressing the Anxieties of Our Time: IPSP in Malaysia, Jan. 22
IPSP author Ravi Kanbur (Steering Committee) will speak as part of the World Bank’s Development Research Seminar Series.
IPSP at IAP Conference, Beijing
IPSP authors Elisa Reis and Fernando Filgueira presented the IPSP at a conference of the Interacademy Partnership in Beijing, China, Dec. 9-10.