Neuigkeiten & Blog
Addressing the Anxieties of Our Time: IPSP in Singapore
IPSP author Ravi Kanbur gave a seminar at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy on Oct. 18.
IPSP in Jakarta, Oct. 15
Ravi Kanbur will give a seminar at the University of Indonesia.
Social Progress, Today and Tomorrow: Film screening and debate in Toulouse
A special screening of “A New Society,” the new documentary about the IPSP report, will take place at GREP-MP on Saturday, October 20th.
IPSP in Florence, Oct. 18-19
Two events will take place at the University of Florence and the European University Institute.
IPSP launch seminar and documentary premiere at IFFS, Oct. 16
The Institute for Futures Studies will hold a seminar and film screening in Stockholm, Sweden.