Neuigkeiten & Blog
Erik Olin Wright, 1947–2019
We are sad to report that Erik Wright has passed away after a courageous fight against sickness. His legacy in social science is enormous. His lifelong work on real utopias was an inspiration for the creation of the IPSP and he has helped this group from the...
“How can we fashion social progress?” IPSP in Vienna, Jan. 28
IPSP authors will present the report at the University of Vienna on Monday.
Humanity, Humanism, and the Climate
IPSP author Marie-Laure Djelic is a featured speaker at a Comité 21 debate on Jan. 22.
“A New Society” in Italy
On Friday, February 1st, Sapienza University of Rome will host an event dedicated to discussing and debating the findings of the IPSP report. Hosted in collaboration with the Forum Disuguaglianze Diversità, CIRET, and Italy's Rai Radio 3, the event will include...
Ripensare la società nel XXI secolo
An IPSP debate and film screening will be held at Sapienza University, Rome on February 1.