Collaborations between IPSP and leading international organizations

Since the International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP) aims at relevance and impact, it seeks collaborations and partnerships with international organizations. The combined expertise and process can help produce innovative insights, recommendations, and toolkits to tackle complex societal challenges. Innovative, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral approaches are privileged to integrate diverse methodologies, worldviews, and perspectives. 

These collaborations enable IPSP to leverage the expertise of academic institutions, facilitating the co-construction and co-realization of activities such as reports, briefs, seminars, conferences, and outreach programs. This collaboration is essential for addressing the pressing interconnected societal issues of inequalities, climate change, participatory deliberation, and social justice.

Guided by principles of co-creation and co-realization

IPSP interacts with international organizations in full accordance with their internal work process. It works on a case by case basis to adapt its collaborative mode to the joint topical priorities and to the temporality of the main events scheduled. 

All collaborations are governed by high ethical standards of work collaboration and a commitment to integrity, with principles of transparency, accountability, and respect for intellectual property. Dissemination is undertaken under the full respect of disclosure rules of the partnering international organizations. 

Privileged access to respective networks, cross participations in working groups, task forces and events, and joint dissemination ensure that the collabraotion wetween IPSP and international organizations are mutually beneficial. 

Such collaboration on high-impact projects contributes to influential reports and briefs that help shape global policy and practice with the support of top scholars, changemakers, and leaders from the public and private sectors.

IPSP regularly engages with experts from UNESCO, UNDP, UNDESA, ILO, World Bank, OECD, IUCN, ISC. It has signed an official letter of intent with UNESCO.

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