Coordination Council
The Coordination Council impulses the activities of the Advisory Board. It is composed of a mix of personalities involved in the first IPSP cycle and individuals bringing think-tank, philanthropy and international organization experience. The first members are :
Merike Blofield

Professor of political science, University of Hamburg
With a focus on global health and social policy, Merike Blofield’s research addresses the conditions under which governments produce more equity-enhancing policies. Her collaborative work has recently been published by Cambridge University Press (Social Protections during Times of Crisis), Oxford University Press (co-editor of the Latin America section of the Oxford Handbook of Governance and Public Management of Social Policy), The Lancet, and UNICEF. She has received awards for both research and institution-building. She is currently working on public opinion toward social protections in Latin America, the social determinants of reproductive health among vulnerable groups at the Colombia-Venezuela border, and policy efforts on domestic and gender-based violence. She directed gender and Sexuality Studies at the University of Miami and the GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies (2020-2023).
She was a leading co-author in IPSP on the pluralization of families. She has been a member of the IPSP Coordination Council since January 2023.
Olivier Bouin

Head of the Réseau français des instituts d'études avancées
As head of the Réseau français des instituts d’études avancées, a scientific research foundation founded in 2007, Olivier Bouin has been leading European and international collaborations for the Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study (NETIAS) and for the global network of university-based insti-tutes (UBIAS). He was a founding member of the European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities for which he served as a member of the Board (2015-2018) and then as the chair (2018-2021). He co-founded and has been co-chairing the World Pandemic Research Network since 2020. He was the executive director of the European Institute for Chinese Studies from 2019 to 2022
Pedro Conceiçao

Director, Human Development Report Office, United Nations Development Programme
Prior to his current position (2019-), Pedro Conceiçao was director for strategic policy at the Bureau for Policy and Programme Support of UNDP, where he co-led the UN’s participation in the G20 Finance and Central Bank Governors Meetings, managed UNDP’s engaged in the Financing for Development processes, and contributed to articulate UNDP’s support to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (2014-2019). He was chief-economist and head of the Strategic Advisory Unit at the Regional Bureau for Africa (2009-2014).Prior to this, he was deputy director then director of the Office of Development Studies (2001-2007). His work on financing for development and on global public goods was published by Oxford University Press in books he co-edited (The New Public Finance: Responding to Global Challenges, 2006; Providing Global Public Goods: Managing Globalization, 2003). He has published on inequality, the economics of innovation and technological change, and development.
Marc Fleurbaey

Senior researcher, CNRS Professor, Paris School of Economics
Marc Fleurbaey is associate professor at ENS-Ulm, and up to 2020 was Robert E. Kuenne Professor at Princeton University. He is the author of Beyond GDP (with Didier Blanchet, Oxford University Press, 2013), A Theory of Fairness and Social Welfare (with François Maniquet, Cambridge University Press, 2011), and Fairness, Responsibility and Welfare (Oxford Univer-sity Press, 2008). He is a former editor of Social Choice and Welfare and Economics and Philosophy and is currently an associate editor of Philosophy and Public Affairs. He is a lead author of its Manifesto for Social Progress (Cambridge University Press, 2018). He was a coordinating lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Report, a member of the United Nations Committee for Development Policy (2016-2021), and he has co-chaired task forces of the T20. He has been one of the initiators of the International Panel on Social Progress in 2014 and member of the IPSP Coordination Council since January 2023.
Ravi Kanbur

Professor of economics and world affairs, Cornell University
Ravi Kanbur has served on the senior staff of the World Bank including as chief economist for Africa. He is co-chair of the Food Systems Economics Commission. The positions he has held include: chair of the board of United Nations University-World Institute for Development Economics Research, member of the OECD High Level Expert Group on the Measu-rement of Economic Performance, president of the Human Development and Capability Association, president of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality, member of the High Level Advisory Council of the Climate Justice Dialogue, and member of the Core Group of the Commission on Global Poverty. He is ranked in the top 0.5% of academic economists in the world.
He was co-chair of the scientific council of the International Panel on Social Progress and has been a member of the IPSP Coordination Council since January 2023.
Takyiwaa Manuh

Emerita professor of African studies, University of Ghana
Takyiwaa Manuh is a senior fellow at the Ghana Centre for Democratic Development. She served as director at the Social Development Policy Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa in Ethiopia, and was director of the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana between 2002 and 2009. Her research interests are in African development, women’s rights and empowerment, contemporary African migrations, and African higher-education systems. She was a lead author in IPSP1 and has been a member of the IPSP Coordination Council since January 2023. She is a fellow of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences and has received several awards including an honorary doctorate degree from the University of Sussex in 2015. She holds degrees in law from the University of Ghana and from the University of Dar es Salaam, and a Ph.D in anthropology from Indiana University.
Elisa Reis

Professor of political sociology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Elisa Reis chairs an interdisciplinary lab on social Inequalities at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She is member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, and of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), and a Fellow of the International Science Council (after three years as Vice-President of the Governing Board 2018-2021). She has received scholarships from the Brazilian National Research Council, the Fulbright Commission, the Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, among others, and has a long list of publications in Brazilian and foreign periodicals. She has taught as visiting professor at the University of California at San Diego, Columbia University, the MIT, and the Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich. She was secretary of the Brazilian Sociological Society and pres-ident of the National Association for the Social Sciences.
She was a member of the IPSP Steering Committee and has been a member of the IPSP Coordination Council since January 2023.
Ingrid Volkmer

Professor of digital communication and globalization, University of Melbourne
Ingrid Volkmer’ expertise focusses on globalized communica-tion and the implications on societies. Amongst her nume-rous publications in this area is Transnational Public Spheres and Global Policy (Oxford Handbook of Global Policy and Transnational Administration, 2019) and The Global Public Sphere – Public Communication in the Age of Reflective Interdependence (Polity, 2014). She collaborates closely with various United Nations organizations. She led a multi-country study on COVID 19 and Social Mediafor the World Health Organisation (2020), she collaborates with the UNESCO and was involved with the OECD in areas of digital policy debates, specifically in contexts of Artificial Intelligence policy. She held visiting positions at Harvard’s Kennedy School, the London School of Economics, and the University of Amsterdam.
She was a lead author on informa-tion technology in the first IPSP and has been a member of the IPSP Coordination Council since January 2023.
Dennis Snower

President, Global Solutions Initiative
Dennis Snower is a professorial fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford University; non-resident fellow at Brookings. Previously he was president of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. He is an expert on labor economics, socio-economics, public policy and inflation-unemployment tradeoffs. He is currently working on a new paradigm for economics. He is the author of a major report on digital governance with reform. He has published extensively on employment policy, the design of welfare systems, monetary and fiscal policy, and the role of psychological motivation systems in economic decision making. He has been a visiting professor at many top universities around the world and has advised a variety of international organizations and national governments on macroeconomic policy, employment policy and welfare state policy.
He was a member of the Scientific Council of the first IPSP and has been a member of the Coordination Council since January 2023.
Margo Thomas

President and CEO, Women’s Economic Imperative
Margo Thomas is a thought leader for inclusive economic growth, gender equality, social justice, and social cohesion and supports initiatives increasing opportunities for the economic empowerment of disadvantaged and underrepresented groups globally. She has strong international expertise in private sector development, investment promotion, trade and competitiveness, and women’s economic empowerment. She has a long experience in the World Bank Group where she provided policy advice to some 50 developing, transitioning, and post-conflict governments. She led the independent secretariat of Ban Ki Moon’s High-Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment. She is active in the Think20 Engagement Group of the G20 and previously as co-chair of the T20 taskforce on Women’s Economic Equity (2018); of the T20 taskforce on SDGs (2019); as a member of the COVID-19 Response Taskforce and of the T7 and T20 Social Cohesion Task Forces.
She has been a member of the IPSP Coordination Council since January 2023.
Marie-Laure Salles

Director, Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Before joining the Geneva Graduate Institute in 2020, Marie-Laure Salles was founding dean of the School of Management and Innovation at SciencesPo Paris, a School she launched in 2016, and professor (Professeur des Universités) at the Centre de Sociologie des Organisations (CSO), SciencesPo Paris. Her research interests include the role of social networks in the transnational diffusion of rules, practices and ideas, the historical transformation of capitalism and national institutions, as well as the dynamics of transnational governance. She has worked in particular on the reciprocal interactions between business and society, with a particular interest for the evolving nature of the social responsibility of firms and the structural inscription of a sustainability and justice agenda in economic and social policy at the national and international level.
She was a member of the Steering Committee of IPSP and has been a member of the IPSP Coordination Council since January 2023.
Hossain Zillur Rahman

Founder-chairman, Power and Participation Research Centre
Since its inception in 1996, the Dhaka-based think-tank Power and Participation Research Centre has been at the forefront of research and policy advocacy on poverty, social protection, land, inclusive growth, governance, local governance, political development, basic education and sustainable urbanization. Its founder Hossain Rahman was a leading researcher at the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies. He was a member of the Independent South Asian Commission on Poverty Alleviation (2003-2006) and served on the board of the Central Bank of Bangladesh. He was appointed advisor (cabinet minister) in charge of the ministries of Commerce and Education in the Caretaker Government of Bangladesh (2007-2008) and was credited with a lead role in the return of Bangladesh to electoral democracy. He was elected chairperson of BRAC, one of the world’s largest NGO, in 2019.
He has been a member of the IPSP Coordination Council since January 2023.