Connecting and using the platform
The platform wil offer several services to actors, communities and networks:
- Identify inspiring initiatives and projects
- Activate follow-up or contact with project leaders
- Encourage collaboration thanks to an interconnected system of actors
- Benefit from the expertise of our contributors
- Gain increased visibility and leverage
Our collective intelligence platform is a digital network on which contributors and users exchange ideas, initiatives, assessments and mobilizations for social progress.
Registration will open next fall !

Registration on the platform
Registration on the platform will be open to all: individuals, entrepreneurs, communities, grass-root organizations, networks, funders, philanthropists, policymakers, etc. Each contributor will fill in a simple registration form (one per initiative). It would include :
- The name(s) of the project holder(s),
- Their organization(s)/affiliation(s),
- Domain(s),
- Discipline(s),
- Area(s)/country(ies),
- Project type(s),
- A short description in text and/or in video that would comprise four elements:
- What is the problem you address?
- What is the approach and how is it innovative?
- Why is it successful and how is this success measured?
- To what extent could this successful initiative be replicated in other contexts?
- Links to relevant online resources or documents.
Read more about our International Platform on Social Progres.