
Trois cents chercheurs contre les maux du siècle

The IPSP was recently featured in French newspaper Le Monde, which published three opinion pieces by IPSP authors: An op-ed about the need for social progress, co-signed by over 40 IPSP authors; Excerpts from the recently-published Manifesto for Social Progress A...

Pouvons-nous espérer une nouvelle société ?

Marie-Laure Djelic, Olivier Bouin, and Marc Fleurbaey, three members of the IPSP Steering Committee, were interviewed recently in La Croix, a major French newspaper. The IPSP has been featured in La Croix before; the Coordinating Lead Authors for Chapter 16 wrote a...

Construire un monde meilleur

The October 14th edition of Le Monde, a major French daily newspaper, features a special section on the work of the IPSP. Included are extracts from three IPSP chapters: Chapter 4, entitled « La croissance n’est pas l’ennemi du bien-être humain »; Chapter 1, entitled...

Religions et progrès social

Grace Davie and Nancy Ammerman, the Coordinating Lead Authors for Chapter 16, have written a column for the October 10th issue of La Croix, a major French newspaper. In the column, entitled « Religions et progrès social, » Drs. Davie and Ammerman discuss the...

Nach der Krise

Sozialwissenschafter wollen die Zukunft neu denken – an dem Projekt für eine bessere Welt arbeiten auch österreichische Forscher mit.