Fighting inequalities while fighting climate changes

Gian Paolo Rossini, IPSP Associate Member, in a short article remarks that actions contrasting climate changes might be of limited efficacy if they bring to the emerging, or the worsening, of other social and environmental criticalities. This contribution is focused...

Orban’s Emergency

In this article published in the, Kim Lane Scheppele, professor of sociology and international affairs at Princeton University and IPSP Lead Author, examines the use of emergency powers and the new Hungarian law called “On Protecting Against the...

Flexible work options in Japan during COVID-19

Hiroshi Ono, professor of human resources management at Hitotsubashi University and IPSP Lead Author was recently interviewed by Bloomberg News regarding the need for more flexible work options in Japan during the COVID-19 lockdown. In this interview Prof. Ono argues...

The case for Interdisciplinary Crisis Studies

This article, co-edited by IPSP lead author and professor of Sociology, Jeff Hearn, is the result of a multi-year Crisis research theme based at Lund University. The analytical tools developed by the authors can find a stark application in the actual health crisis. In...

We are all in this together? More than you think

By Marc Flurbaey, IPSP Steering Committee member and Professor at Princeton University (USA)  April 2020 “We are all in this together” has become the mantra of many policymakers in the first wave of the coronavirus around the world. They are not always acting...

COVID-19 Pandemic Simulator

Professor Marc Fleurbaey, Steering Committee Member and Contributing Author of the IPSP Report and Manifesto, has created a simulator that offers an intuitive way of understanding the dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic. This model can be used for personnel who want to...

Pandemic and Socialism

By Prabhat Patnaik It is said that in a crisis everybody becomes a socialist; free markets take a back seat, to the benefit of the working people. During the second world war for instance, when universal rationing was introduced in Britain, the average worker became...

The Making of a Tragedy

By Prabhat Patnaik The tragic irony could not have been more complete. India is under lockdown, but thousands of migrant workers are thronging bus stands or marching on the roads, making a mockery of it; the aim of the lockdown is to prevent the spread of the...

Some Basic Lessons from the Pandemic 

By Prabhat Patnaik  Originally published: IDEA’s (March 23, 2020)   The coronavirus attack has so far been much less deadly than the Spanish flu of a century ago. That had affected 500 million people worldwide, about 27 per cent of the world’s population of the...

The COVID-19 pandemic: A letter to G-20 leaders

Read the letter sent to the G-20 leaders and signed by 20 economists, and global health experts. Prof. Nora Lustig, IPSP Coordinating Lead Author is among the signatures. The letter urges world leaders “to urgently provide the necessary resources to reduce the losses...

“Cities at War”, shedding light on COVID-19

The new book edited by two of our Scientific Council members, Mary Kaldor and Saskia Sassen, was written just before the crisis and is called “Cities at War” (Columbia University Press, 2020). It came out just a few days ago and may well shed light on the actual...