Brexit, Troika and Euroscepticism: The Future of the European Union
1 Reply
ConsensusFinn Woelm on September 1, 2016 at 2:17 pm
I believe a stronger, more unified future of the European Union is possible. But to get there, we will need to work to increase transparency, reduce bureaucracy, and widen democracy. Rather than to give up on each other, we need to work together to keep this incredibly important union alive and flourishing.
On June 23rd, the United Kingdom held a referendum on its membership in the European Union. With 51.9% of votes in favor of leaving the EU, the British Exit (Brexit) became a reality. While the UK will be the first country (and so far the only) to withdraw from the EU, certain political groups in other member states are calling on their governments to follow suit.
On the other hand, the European Union has strengthened peace, democracy, and human rights across the continent – achievements that led to the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012. It allows for visa-free travel, living, and working within the union, it has resulted in the Euro that can be used in more than 20 countries, and it has simplified trading and business operations within its borders.
Opinions on the EU are extremely divided. According to a poll conducted by Pew in June 2016, 51% of EU citizens had a favorable opinion of the union, while 47% of respondents disfavored it.
What do you like and dislike about the European Union? Where do you see its future? If you had the executive power to make any number of changes, what changes would you make?