Every year, the G20 group of nations holds a summit for national leaders to discuss pressing global concerns. The 2018 summit will be held in November in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The T20 (Think 20) is a global group of think tanks and research organizations around the world that makes policy recommendations to the G20 in advance of the annual summit. Last year, the IPSP joined the T20 as part of the Council for Global Problem Solving.
IPSP authors Gregory Shaffer (Ch. 11), Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee), Fernando Filgueira (Ch. 8, 17), and Gianluca Grimalda (Ch. 8) have contributed to four T20 policy briefs, just published as part of the Task Force on Social Cohesion, Global Governance and the Future of Politics. The documents provide recommendations on a range of governance issues, following the themes of the IPSP report.
You can read the documents here:
Effective national policies in the globalized era
Adapting trade policy to social, environmental, and development goals
Rethinking the welfare state in the global economy
Political innovation for a better governance