Advisory Board
The Advisory board is composed of 60+ high-level/high-impact personalities with relevant competence and experience: international scholars, civil society organizations actors, social innovators, business leaders, (former) policymakers, philanthropists, etc. It will meet once a year to discuss thematic proposals and projects, to determine priority activities, and to identify potential team leaders for the approved activities (reports, briefs, events). Along with the 12 members of the Coordination Council, the first members are:
A more detailed presentation of the members of the Advisory board is available in this document.
Jari Ala-Ruona

CEO, Aion Sigma Co-chair, Oxygen2050
A seasoned serial entrepreneur, Jari Ala-Ruona co-chairs Oxygen 2050, a community of transformative entrepreneurs and investors dedicated to a brighter world. His journey exemplifies the relationship between personal growth and business, showcasing entrepreneurship as a way of being in the world. He pioneers digital financial inclusion in Africa, fostering global connections. Involved in the first IPSP cycle, he serves as a catalyst for positive change, dedicated to championing a future that is equitable and sustainable.
Marta Arretche

Professor of political science, University of São Paulo
Full professor at the Department of Political Science of the University of São Paulo, Marta Arretche served as director of the Center for Metropolitan Studies (2009-2020), as the editor-in-chief of the Brazilian Political Science Review (2013-2019) and as vice-provost for research at the University of São Paulo (2016-2018). She was a postdoctoral fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) and a visiting fellow at the European University Institute in Florence. Her field of interest is comparative and institutional analysis. Her areas of research focus on inequality, federalism, and social policies.
Gustaf Arrhenius

Director, Institute for Futures Studies
Professor of practical philosophy, Gustaf Arrhenius is interested in issues in the intersection between moral and political philosophy and the medical and social sciences (e.g. economics, law, and political science). He is best known for his research on our moral and political obligations to future generations and on issues in democratic theory. He is an honorary professor at Aarhus Univer-sity,a member of the Economics–Philosophy initiative at Paris School of Economics and a member of Academia Europaea. He was a member of the first IPSP Steering Committee.
Adelle Blackett

Professor of law, McGill University
Canada Research Chair in Transnational Labor Law, Adelle Blackett is an award-winning author and educator whose work focuses on rethinking core labor law narratives from pluralist, decolonial perspectives. She has been actively involved in labor law reform initiatives in Canada (she currently chairs Canada’s Employment Equity Act Review Task Force, whose report should be released in fall 2023) and internationally, notably with the ILO as lead expert on the Domestic Workers Convention and on labor law reform in Haïti, as well as current member of the ILO’s Trade and Labour Advisory Committee. She is an elected fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.
Romina Boarini

Director, Centre on Well-Being, Inclusion, Sustainability and Equal Opportunity, OECD
Previously a senior advisor to the OECD Secretary-General and the Head of the Inclusive Growth Initiative, where she developed the OECD Framework for Action on Inclusive Growth and launched Business for Inclusive Growth, Romina Boarini heads the WISE. Before joining the Office of the Secretary-General, Romina Boarini worked for the Statistics Directorate and was responsible for OECD Better Life Initia-tive. Currently, she promotes the OECD’s position as a leading international institution and contributes to strengthening OECD research and advice on the ‘Beyond GDP Agenda’. Before joining the OECD in 2005, she was a postdoctoral fellow in sustainable development (chaire EDF-École Poly-technique) and worked as a consultant to the French Ministry of Social Affairs
Gustavo Cardoso

Professor of communication sciences, ISCTE-IUL
Member of Centre for Sociological Studies (CIES) at the University Institute in Lisbon and associate researcher at Centre d'analyse et d'interventions sociologiques (CADIS) in Paris, Gustavo Cardoso was a visiting professor at IN3 in Barcelona and a member of the Innovation Lab of the Annen-berg School of Communication at the University of Southern California. He works in the field of communication and information studies. He is coordinator of the MediaLab-ISCTE and the European Journalism Observatory. He was a consultant at the Civil House of the President of the Republic Jorge Sampaio (2006-2016).
As lead author on communication for IPSP, he organized the first IPSP final authors’ meeting in Lisbon in 2017
Lars-Erik Cederman

Professor of international conflict research, ETH Zürich
Lars-Erik Cederman’s main research interests include nationalism, state formation and conflict processes. Since 2003, he has been collecting evidence on ethnic groups and their participation in conflict processes. This immense data collection undertaking culminated in the widely used Ethnic Power Relations Dataset Family. New information and indicators are made accessible in a user-friendly manner via the GROWup - Geographical Research On War, Unified Plat-form. In 2018, he was also awarded a European Research Council advanced grant for a project on nationalist state transformation and conflict
Martha Chen

Lecturer in urban planning and design, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Co-founder WIEGO
Martha Chen is a co-founder and board member of the global network Women in Informal Employ-ment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO). Her areas of specialization are employment, poverty and gender with a focus on the working poor in the informal economy. Before joining Harvard in 1987, she had two decades of resident work experience in Bangladesh with BRAC and in India with Oxfam America. She was awarded a high civilian award, the Padma Shri, by the Government of India in April 2011, and a Friends of Bangladesh Liberation War award by the Government of Bangladesh in December 2012.
Anabel Cruz

Founder director, Institute for Communication and Development, Coordinator of Rendir Cuentas
Expert on topics related to citizen participation, civil society transparency, accountability, and good governance, Anabel Cruz has a long working experience with local, national, regional, and global civil society organization networks. She has been the chair of the board of CIVICUS in two different periods, and led the creation in 2009 of Rendir Cuentas, a Regional Civil Society Accountability Initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean. She is currently the civil society co-chair (2022-) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP). She founded the Institute for Communication and Develop-ment in Montevideo in 1989.
Leila Dagher

Associate Professor of Economics, Adnan Kassar School of Business, Lebanese American University
Leila Dagher is a Senior Fellow at the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, a Research Fellow at the Economic Research Forum, and sits on the steering committee of the Mashreq Gender Facility.Her research applies to the areas of energy, environmental, and financial economics. She has been a visiting fellow at the Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. Leila Dagher previously served as Economic Adviser to several public officials including a former Prime Minister. At LAU, she is tasked with setting up the new Center for Policy Analysis, an advanced think tank rallying internal and external experts
Purnamita Dasgupta

Chair-professorof environmental economics, Institute of Economic Growth at Delhi
Purnamita Dasgupta’s research applies economics to real world contexts, is interdisciplinary and routinely involves stakeholder engagements and field studies. She has taught environmental economics in India and at Johns Hopkins University. She has been a Coordinating lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), for the International Panel on Social Progress and is currently, for the Nexus Assessment of the IPBES. She has researched for India’s National Determined Contributions, on implementation and evaluation of adaptation and mitigation interventions in South Asia, and city-level biodiversity action plans.
Mathieu Denis

Head, Centre for Science Futures, International Science Council
Before becoming head of the Centre for Science Futures, Mathieu Denis was science director at the creation of the International Science Council (2018-2022) and served as acting CEO of the ISC throughout 2022. He had originally joined the International Social Science Council in 2012 and became its executive director in 2015. In that position he helped guide and oversee the merger with the International Council for Science (ICSU), and the creation of the ISC. Mathieu Denis holds a PhD from the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. He has previously taught history, political theory, and industrial relations at Université de Montréal.
Fatima Denton

Director, United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa
Fatima Denton is a senior leader in the UN system with depth of expertise in natural resource management in the African region. Prior to joining UNU-INRA in 2018, she worked with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa in Ethiopia (2012-2018). Before that, she worked with the Canada-based International Development Research Centre (IDRC). She is a lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). She has served on the inde-pendent scientific committee of the Climate Change and Food Security Programme, and is a current member of the advisory board of Future Earth.
Gala Diaz-Langou

Executive Director, CIPPEC
Professor of public policy at the Torcuato di Tella University, Gala Diaz Langou has been working with CIPPEC in Buenos Aires since 2006 where she led the Social Protection team (2016-2021). She has also worked as an international consultant for several United Nations agencies and other international organizations and governments of the Latin American Region. Her work is focused on doing applied research on gender and children’s rights. She was selected as one of the 500 most influential people in Latin America and she was invited to the Group of 100 Women Leaders. She is a Delegate to W20 representing Argentina.
Aidan Eyakuze

Executive Director, Twaweza East Africa
Aidan Eyakuze heads a leading regional civil society organiza-tion that works to enable children to learn, citizens to exercise agency and governments to be more open and responsive in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. Before joining Twaweza in 2015, he was associate regional director of the Society for International Development based in Tanzania. In 2016, he was appointed to the global steering committee of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and to the board of directors in 2023. He also serves on the board of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data. He is a United World Colleges alumnus, an Archbishop Desmond Tutu Leadership fellow and a member of the Aspen Global Leader-ship Network.
Warren Feek

Executive director, Communication Initiative Network and Partnership
Over the past 25 years, Warren Feek has been heading a network of 90,000 people and organizations using media, communication, social change and behavior change strategies to address priority local, national and international development issues. That network has shared their work - 38,000 knowledge summaries - and engaged in review and dialogue for the purpose of helping to advance the scale, quality and impact of the work of other people in the network. He has a specific interest in understanding the strategic lessons from major social movements and the transformational possibilities of bold, at-scale policy initiatives.
Isabelle Ferreras

Professor of sociology, University of Louvain
Sociologist as well as political scientist, Isabelle Ferreras is a senior tenured fellow of the Belgian National Science Founda-tion and a permanent researcher of the Louvain CriDIS (Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires Democracy, Institutions, Subjec-tivity). She is a senior research associate of the Center for Labor and a Just Economy at Harvard Law School. In 2020, with colleagues across the globe, she launched the #Democratizin-gWork movement, which she coordinates. She works on labor issues, particularly democratizing firms through a bicameral model.
Fernando Filgueira

Head of office, United Nations Population Fund in Uruguay Professor, Social Science Faculty, Universidad de la Repúblicaa
Fernndo Filgueira’s research centers on social structure, social policy and welfare regimes in Latin America. He has been a central player in multilateral institutions since his proposal of Basic Universalism (Inter-American Development Bank, 2006) as a blueprint for welfare reform in Latin America, advising governments and influencing the World Bank, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, and specialized UN agencies. He was vice-minister of Education in Uruguay. He is a contributor to the T7/T20 recommendations group for the G7/G20. He received the Von Humboldt Award for his contributions to the social sciences in 2020.
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr

Professor of International Affairs, The New School
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr’s teaching and research focus on decolonizing international affairs, global health, and global goal setting and governance by indicators. She has worked on the political economy of international development and the power of ideas and discourses in shifting policy approaches. From 1995 to 2004, Sakiko Fukuda-Parr was lead author and director of the UNDP Human Development Report. She currently serves as chair of the UN Committee on Develop-ment Policy, an expert committee of UN ECOSOC, and co-leads the Collective on the Political Determinants of Health.
Debra Furr-Holden

Dean, NYU School of Global Public Health
Debra Furr-Holden is a professor of epidemiology and a public health leader with broad expertise in health disparities and policy-level interventions promoting health equity. She was previously the C.S. Mott Endowed professor of public health & associate dean for public health integration at Michigan State University. She was an assistant and later associate Professor at Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health, where she retains an adjunct professor appointment. She is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including the White House Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineersh.
Ugo Gentilini

Lead economist, Social protection and jobs, The World Bank
Recently, he was a team member of the World Development Report on The Changing Nature of Work (2019); co-authored books like Exploring Universal Basic Income (2019) and Adaptive Social Protection; and co-founded The State of Social Safety Nets flagship in 2014. Before joining the World Bank in 2013, he spent a decade with the UN World Food Programme, including supporting early phases of safety nets and cash transfers piloting and policy.
Sascha Haselmayer

Social entrepreneur, Ashoka fellow
Ashoka fellow since 2011, Sascha Haselmayer is an author and social entrepreneur who has led urban innovation, economic development and government innovation projects in over fifty countries. He is a non-resident fellow at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and a former fellow at New America in 2020-2021. Among other ventures, he founded Citymart, pioneering innovation in city procurement in more than 100 cities in the world. He has advised organizations such as the Rockefeller Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Aspen Institute, the government of Chile, and the World Bank Groug.
† Saleemul Huq

Director of ICCCA, Professor at the Independent University Bangladesh
Saleemul Huq is the Director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) and Professor at the Independent University Bangladesh (IUB) as well as Associate of the International Institute on Environment and Development (IIED) in the United Kingdom. In addition he is the Chair of the Expert Advisory Group for the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and also Senior Adviser on Locally Led Adaptation with Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA) headquartered in the Netherlands. He is an expert in adaptation to climate change in the most Vulnerable developing countries and has been a lead author of the third, fourth and fifth assessment reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Samia Huq

Professor of anthropology, Brac University
Samia Huq is dean of the School of General as well as Research Fellow at the Center for Peace and Justice. She has been involved in research on the impact of secondary secular and madrasa education on gendered norms and practices, as part of the Initiative on Education, Gender and Growth in Asi. She is the chief academic officer representing Brac University at the Open Society University Network (OSUN), building bridges between various academic programs and universities and overseeing student and faculty mobilit.
She authored and was involved in the International Panel on Social Progress.
Lila Karbassi

Chair, SBTi executive board, Senior programme officer, United Nations Global Compact
Lila Karbassi’s work supports the United Nations’ agenda to deliver a resilient net-zero future and drive business ambition towards the achievement of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. She is currently serving as the chair of the Science-based Target Initiative (SBTi), acting as a liaison between the SBTi and the UN Global Compact. She has been instrumental to the work of the UN Global Compact since 2005, and served - between 2017 and 2022 - as the chief of programmes. In 2016, Lila Karbassi was seconded to the Office of the UN Secretary-General supporting business engagement on the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Uichol Kim

Professor of social psychology, Inha University
Uichol Kim’s research interests focus on the software of the mind: genetics, neurobiology, human agency, indigenous and cultural psychology, quality of life, work values, management, leadership, human rights, and human software interface of Artificial Intelligence, and augmented reality. He has taught at the University of Tokyo and at the University. of Hawaii. He worked with Pfizer, Stryker, CIDA, BASF, Ciputra, Toyota, LG and Samsung. He is the founding editor of the Asian Journal of Social Psychology.
Dina Kiwan

Professor in comparative education, University of Birmingham
Dina Kiwan is deputy director of Research and Knowledge Transfer at the University of Birmingham. She has an interdis-ciplinary background in psychology, sociology and education, educated at the universities of Oxford, Harvard and University College London. She was the Centre for Lebanese Studies fellow at the University of Oxford (2015-2016) and associate professor in sociology at the American University of Beirut (2012-2017). She leads the Global Challenges Research Fund Arts and Humanities Research Council’s ‘Disability Under Siege Network Plus’ programme (2020-2024) working with partners in Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine to address the chal-lenge that most children with disabilities never go to school.
She was a lead author in IPSP 1 on education.
Daniel Kostzer

Chief economist, International Trade Union Confederation
Daniel Kostzer was senior Regional Wages specialist at the ILO Asia and the Pacific, and a former board member at the World Bank Group. His earlier positions include senior economic advisor at the UNDP Myanmar, head of the socio-economic unit at United Nations Mission (UNMIT) in Timor-Leste, Coordinator of the Social Development Cluster at the UNDP Argentina, director of Research and Macroeconomic Coordination at the Argentine ministry of Labor. He is a consultant on poverty reduction, income distribution and employment policies and was a member of the knowledge networks of the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization, ILO.
Will Kymlicka

Canada Research Chair in political philosophy, Queen's University
Will Kymlicka’s research focuses on democracy and diversity. He is co-director of a CIFAR program on Boundaries, Membership and Belonging, which explores whether we can redraw these boundaries in a more inclusive way without losing solidarity and the possibility of collective action. He is the co-director of the Multiculturalism Policy Index project, which monitors the evolution of multiculturalism policies across the Western democracies and contributes to the understanding of state-minority relations. He was appointed to the Order of Canada in 2023. He was a coordinating lead author in IPSP on Social Progress and Cultural Change.
Guillermo Larrain

Associate professor of economics, University of Chile
He co-chairs the Interfaculty Center for Law, Economics and Business (LEXEN) at the University of Chile. He has been president of Banco del Estado de Chile, chairman of the Superintendencies of Securities and Insurance and Pensions and chief economic policy coordinator of the ministry of Finance of Chile. He has been vice-president of the Corporación Educacional Alianza Francesa de Chile, member of the board of directors of Banco Internacional in Chile, of the Economic Advisory Board of the International Finance Corporation, of the advisory boards of the Efromo-vich-Silva Investment Fund in Colombia and of the Securities and Commodities Authority of the United Arab Emirates.
Sangheon Lee

Director, Employment, Job Creation and Livelihoods Department, ILO
Sangheon Lee runs the department which leads the International Labor Organization’s action for promoting full and productive employment by developing integrated employment, development and skills policies. He is currently leading the ILO’s work in monitoring the labor market impacts of multiple crises (ILO Monitor on the World of Work). He was the special adviser to the deputy director-general for Policy on Economic and Social Issues (2014-18), and an acting director for the Research Department (2017-18). He is also one of the main authors of ILO flagship reports such as the Global Wage Report and the World Employ-ment and Social Outlook.
Amandine Lepoutre

President, Thinkers & Doers, and , Art for Action
Thinkers & Doers focuses on stories of those who do, think and act differently to reform our societal pillars: markets, corporates, social protection policies and democratic deliberation mechanisms. Founder Amandine Lepoutre created The General Assembly of Citizen Entrepreneurs, which brings together 250 international decision-makers to promote socio-economic progress at the UN and the OECD. At Art for Action, she leads projects on education and information, to build generations of enlightened leaders. She supports the development of peace programs in schools in Europe and Africa.
Juliana Martinez Franzoni

Professor of social policies, University of Costa Rica
Juliana Martínez Franzoni studies comparative social policy in Latin America and the global south. She is an awardee from the Humboldt Foundation for outstanding research careers in developing countries. She has been a Fulbright scholar and a visiting fellow at the Kellogg Institute for Inter-national Studies, DesiguALdades-net (Germany), CIEPP (Argentina), and the University of Austin. Her research of social policy provides a comprehensive view of the welfare state – including the role of families – in Latin America. She is co-editor of Social Politics and undertakes regular consultancies with different international institutions like UNDP and UN-Woman.
Shanaaz Mathews

Professor of health sciences, University of Cape Town
Shanaaz Mathews has led the national study on Femi-cide and Child Homicides in South Africa with a focus on pathways to violent masculinities. Her current research focus is the intersections of violence against women and children with a focus violence prevention programming. She is a Commissioner on the Lancet Commission on Gender-based Violence, a lead investigator for the Department of Science and Technology, National Research Foundation Centre of Excellence on Human Development, at the Univer-sity of the Witwatersrand. She also serves as the Evaluation Lead for the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office ‘What Work 2 Impact at Scale’ research component.
Claire Mellier

Co-founder, Global Assembly
Claire Meillier is a facilitator, process designer and researcher with expertise in delivering participative processes which put citizens at the heart of decision making. In 2020, in collaboration with other partners, she initiated and organized the first global Citizens' Assembly: the Global Assembly on the climate and ecological crisis for COP26, which received the backing from UN Secretary General, António Guterres. She was part of the facilita-tion team at Climate Assembly UK and Scotland’s Climate Assembly and one of the accredited researchers who observed Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat. She is knowledge and practice lead at Iswe Foundation.
Leticia Merino

Chair, Coordination for Sustainability, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Leticia Marino has worked for 35 years on forest and land use by indigenous communities in Mexico and Central America, at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Since 2021, she chairs UNAM Coordination for Sustainability. She is author of 80 scientific articles and eight books on governance of natural resources, environmental justice, and social impacts of the environmental crisis. She was president of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (2013-2015), lead author for the Global Report of the International Panel for Biodiversity and Ecosystems, and member of the Committee for Development Policies of the United Nations (2015-2021).
Doris Mwikali

Youth representative, SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee
Doris Mwikali advocates for rapid and radical educational transformation to support sustainable and just societies. She is member of the SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee, the apex body for global coordination and monitoring of education systems that ensures the systematic alignment of approaches for education-related targets within the United Nations SDG structure. During the 2022 UN Transforming Education Summit, as part of the Transforming Education Summit Youth Advisory Group, she led the Youth Declaration process that was part of the UN Secretary-General's Common Agenda.
Laurie Nathan

Professor of the Practice of Mediation, Univ of Notre Dame
Laurie Nathan is Director of the Mediation Program at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame. He has done extensive research on international mediation, focusing in particular on mediation in civil wars and coups. He was previously director of the Centre for Conflict Resolution at the University of Cape Town and director of the Centre for Mediation in Africa at the University of Pretoria. He has been a senior mediation advisor to the United Nations, the European Union, Southern African Development Community, Intergovernmental Authority on Development in Eastern Africa, Economic Community of West African States.
Charmaine Pereira

Author, scholar and civil society coordinator
Living in Abuja, Nigeria, Charmaine Pereira works on the gender and sexual politics of violence, feminist thought and practice, and the politics of natural resource extraction in Africa. She has organised action research on sexual harass-ment and sexual violence in Nigerian universities with a view to strategising for change. She has been an active force in the coalition pushing for passage of the Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act, 2015 in Nigeria and has coordinated research on implementation of the law.
Wizdom Powell

Chief Purpose Officer, Headspace and Director, Health Disparities Institute, UCONN Health
Trained as a clinical psychologist, population/public health disparities researcher, and health behavior theorist. WIzdom Powell is a tenured professor of Psychiatry and a nationally recognized expert on psychological and social factors influen-cing the mental/physical health of African American men and boys. She has been a White House Fellow, a Ford Foundation Fellow, a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Fellow, an Aspen Institute Health Innovator Fellow, and an awardee of the prestigious Rockefeller Foundation academic writing residency. She has been an Honorary Professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) since 2018.
Camille Putois

CEO, Business for Inclusive Growth
Camille Putois joined in 2020 the global CEO-led coalition of major companies coordinating with governments to advance inclusive growth. She provides overall leadership to B4IG’s program of work, which consists of concrete and measurable actions to fight against inequalities, sharing and promoting the most innovative and successful initiatives, and developing new forms of public-private financial solutions to support inclusive business models. She previously had a career in the French administration (deputy chief of staff to France’s prime minister, French Ministry of the Interior). She was also the founder of a GovTech startup, while simultaneously advising European tech companies on strategies and critical issues.
Gabriela Ramos

Assistant director-general, Social and Human Sciences, UNESCO
At UNESCO since 2020, Gabriela Ramos oversees the institution's contributions to building inclusive societies. Her mandate includes tackling economic inequalities of income and opportunity, and promoting social inclusion and gender equality. She oversees the youth support agenda, promotion of values through sport, fight against racism and discrimination, and ethics of science. She worked more than 20 years for the OECD (1999-2020), ending with the high position of OECD chief of staff and sherpa to the G20. She was also professor of international economy at the Universidad Iberoamericana and at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México.
Marta Roig

Chief, Emerging Issues and Trends, UN-DESA
Marta Roig has over 25 years of experience conducting policy research and analysis related to inequality, social exclusion, international migration and their linkages to development. She currently leads the preparation of United Nations World Social Report of the Department for Economic and Social Affairs and that of other research productions on social issues. She is supporting consultations and coordinating technical input for a UN World Social Summit in 2025. Before joining the Division for Inclusive Social Development, Marta worked with the UN Population Division and at the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
Rana Sabbagh

Senior Editor, Middle East/North Africa, OCCRP
Rana Sabbagh is co-founder of the award-winning Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ), an OCCRP member. She joined OCCRP in 2020, working with Arab investigative journalists to produce high-quality, ambitious cross-border investigations in the largely autocratic and male-dominated region. She has dedicated her decades-long career as a journalist, columnist, and media trainer across the MENA region to promote free speech, human rights, gender equality, independent media, and the culture of ‘accountability journalism’. As the chief editor of The Jordan Times, she became the first Arab woman in the history of the Levant to run a daily political newspaper. He is the MENA region representative on the Board of Directors of the Global Investigative Journalism Network.
Gonzalo Sozzo

Professor of private and environmental law, Universidad Nacional del Litoral
Gonzalo Sozzo is the scientific director of the Institute for Advanced Studies of the UNL. He is professor of civil and contract law of obligations in the Faculty of Juridical and Social Sciences. He is responsible for the chair ‘Consumers Rights’ and academic coordinator of the study ‘Specialization in law of Damages’ and ‘Specialization in environmental law, urban planning and supervision of cultural heritage’. Since 2010, his main research topics have been the history of development models in Latin American constitutionalism; regional environmental constitutionalism in Latin America; climate change litigation in the global south; private law institutions in the Anthropocene era; consumer law and ecological transition.
Diane Stone

Chair of Global Policy, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute
Diane Stone was dean of the School of Public Policy at Central European University in Budapest. Other professorial posi-tions have been held at the University of Canberra, Warwick University and University of Western Australia. At the World Bank, she was a member of the Secretariat that launched the Global Development Network. From 2004 to 2008, she was a European Commission Marie Curie Chair. She has been a consulting editor of Policy and Politics and she was co-editor of Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Institutions. Diane Stone is a founding vice-president of the International Public Policy Association.
Laurence Tubiana

CEO, European Climate Foundation
Laurence Tubiana chairs the French Development Agency and teaches at Sciences Po, Paris. Before joining the ECF, she was France’s Climate Change Ambassador and Special Repre-sentative for COP21, and an architect of the landmark Paris Agreement. Following COP21, she was appointed High Level Champion for climate action. She served as senior adviser on the Environment to a former French prime minister and chaired the French National Debate on the Energy Transition. She founded Solagral, an NGO working on food security and the global environment; the Institute of Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI); and the Directorate for Global Public Goods at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Stefaan Verhulst

Co-Founder, The GovLab
Co-founder of The GovLab, an action research center focused on transforming decision making using advances in science and technology, Stefaan Verhulst is also the co-founder and principal scientific advisor of The DataTank, a do-and-think tank that focuses on how to re-use data differently to serve the common good. He is a research professor at the Center for Urban Science and Progress at the Tandon School of Engineering of NYU; editor-in-chief of the open-access journal Data & Policy; research director of the MacArthur Research Network on Opening Governance; and chairs the Data for Children Collaborative with Unicef.
Helena Wajnman

Executive Director, Repú
Helena Wajnman works for Repú, a Brazilian non-profit organization that focuses on improving the quality of people management in the public sector. She holds a master of applied science in Data, Economics, and Development Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a Bachelor’s degree in economics from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). Prior to joining Repú, she worked at Instituto Sonho Grande, where she helped design and scale a national public policy for extending school time. Helena Wajnman is a governance advisor at the Governance Innovation Initiative at MIT GOV/LAB and a member of the advisory committee of the Program Leaders that Transform at the Brazilian National School of Public Administration (ENAP).
David Williams

Professor of public health, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
David Williams is professor of African and African American studies and sociology at Harvard University and an interna-tionally recognized scientist on social influences on health. He studies the complex ways in which socioeconomic status, race, stress, racism, health behavior and religious involve-ment can affect health. The ‘Everyday Discrimination Scale’he developed is the most widely used measure of discri-mination in health studies. He was elected to the National Academy of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Sciences and received many prestigious awards from (American Sociological Association, American Psychological Association, New York Academy of Medicine.
Wing-Thye Woo

Vice-president for Asia, United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Wing Thye Woo is also distinguished professor emeritus at the University of California, senior visiting professor at Fudan University, and research professor at Sunway Univer-sity. Amongst his ongoing projects are (i) ASEAN Green Future, involving 9 country teams analyzing the different ways to achieve net zero emissions of CO2; (ii) the Science Panel for Southeast Asia Biodiversity Protection, a coalition of universities, state agencies, NGOs and corporations to expand the rainforests, promote green agriculture, and raise the welfare of the indigenous communities; and (iii) the Middle-Income Trap project which aims at accelerating inclusive economic catching-up, i.e. SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth), SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), and SDG 10 (Reduced inequality).
Bahru Zewde

Emeritus professor of history, Addis Ababa University
Bahru Zewde is founding fellow, vice-president of the Ethio-pian Academy of Sciences and fellow of the African Academy of Sciences. He was formerly chair of the Department of history and director of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies at Addis Ababa University and executive director of the Forum for Social Studies, a think tank based in Addis Ababa. He is the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships, including ones from the British Academy, the Japan Foundation, the Institute of Advanced Study (Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin) in Berlin and from the Humboldt University.
Xiaobo Zhang

Chair Professor of Economics, Peking University, Senior fellow, IFPRI
Xiaobo Zhang's main research interests are development economics and Chinese economy. His research focuses specifically on agricultural economics, development economics, and the Chinese economy. He has rich field experience in developing countries, such as leading ambitious surveys like the Guizhou Household Panel Survey, or the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) survey (as co-PI), the Enterprise Survey for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in China (ESIEC), Quarterly Online Survey on Micro-and-small Enterprises (OSOME) in China. He is the Chief Editor of China Economic Review. He was part of the Steering Committee of IPSP.