
The annual conference of the the South Asia Network of Economic Research Institutes (SANEI) will take place on November 7-8 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The conference will include a “Panel Discussion on Growth and Human Development,” led by IPSP author Dr. Purnamita Dasgupta. Dr. Dasgupta will present Chapter 4 of the IPSP report, entitled “Growth, Human Development and Planetary Welfare,” and three prominent economists of the region will participate as discussants.

See here for more information on SANEI, and here for a preliminary conference agenda.


The annual conference of the the South Asia Network of Economic Research Institutes (SANEI) will take place on November 7-8 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The conference will include a “Panel Discussion on Growth and Human Development,” led by IPSP author Dr. Purnamita Dasgupta. Dr. Dasgupta will present Chapter 4 of the IPSP report, entitled “Growth, Human Development and Planetary Welfare,” and three prominent economists of the region will participate as discussants.

See here for more information on SANEI, and here for a preliminary conference agenda.


The annual conference of the the South Asia Network of Economic Research Institutes (SANEI) will take place on November 7-8 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The conference will include a “Panel Discussion on Growth and Human Development,” led by IPSP author Dr. Purnamita Dasgupta. Dr. Dasgupta will present Chapter 4 of the IPSP report, entitled “Growth, Human Development and Planetary Welfare,” and three prominent economists of the region will participate as discussants.

See here for more information on SANEI, and here for a preliminary conference agenda.


The annual conference of the the South Asia Network of Economic Research Institutes (SANEI) will take place on November 7-8 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The conference will include a “Panel Discussion on Growth and Human Development,” led by IPSP author Dr. Purnamita Dasgupta. Dr. Dasgupta will present Chapter 4 of the IPSP report, entitled “Growth, Human Development and Planetary Welfare,” and three prominent economists of the region will participate as discussants.

See here for more information on SANEI, and here for a preliminary conference agenda.


The annual conference of the the South Asia Network of Economic Research Institutes (SANEI) will take place on November 7-8 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The conference will include a “Panel Discussion on Growth and Human Development,” led by IPSP author Dr. Purnamita Dasgupta. Dr. Dasgupta will present Chapter 4 of the IPSP report, entitled “Growth, Human Development and Planetary Welfare,” and three prominent economists of the region will participate as discussants.

See here for more information on SANEI, and here for a preliminary conference agenda.


The annual conference of the the South Asia Network of Economic Research Institutes (SANEI) will take place on November 7-8 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The conference will include a “Panel Discussion on Growth and Human Development,” led by IPSP author Dr. Purnamita Dasgupta. Dr. Dasgupta will present Chapter 4 of the IPSP report, entitled “Growth, Human Development and Planetary Welfare,” and three prominent economists of the region will participate as discussants.

See here for more information on SANEI, and here for a preliminary conference agenda.