Reducing complexity, identifying priority actions
The key priority for the Panel is to provide actionable insights and recommendations based on inspiring case studies of initiatives and reforms that are directly relevant to pursuing the social progress agenda. Reports, case studies, briefs, knowledge maps and all other material that will serve the broad social progress agenda will focus on:
- Better understanding the main challenges humanity currently faces, with a special attention to their causal interdependence.
- Identifying the key drivers and action points by which societal transformation may be initiated, with a special attention to mapping the power structures that undergird the current situation.
Operationalizing the Social Progress Agenda
Our roadmap articulates five main components:
- Reforming the economic and social system, designing reforms and transformations that address the structural flaws of current institutions and regulations.
- Unleashing the potential for social change, by fostering social innovations and experimentation.
- Strengthening democracy and participation at all levels, in order to improve collective action and enhance the legitimacy of public decisions.
- Promoting global security and solidarity, to foster peaceful conflict resolution and enhance global cooperation for planetary well-being.
- Rethinking relations with nature to promote sustainnability, biodiversity, and well-being.
It affirms the ambition of the Panel to be resolutely non-partisan but undeniably political:
- On the “knowledge action space,” the goal is to contribute to the creation and dissemination of knowledge about the challenges and opportunities, to design adaptive solutions and share actionable recommendations to spur productive public debates.
- On the “political action space”, the goal is to facilitate the formation of large coalitions of actors for social progress, across caste, ethnicities, gender, geographies, political alliances and economic sectors globally, in particular channeling ignored and repressed voices, as well as to support specific reforms and transformations.